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Successful WVPA Congress

Their XIXth World Veterinary Poultry Congress has been a great success for both WVPA and their local South African branch, who organised the event in Cape Town, South Africa.

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Their XIXth World Veterinary Poultry Congress has been a great success for both WVPA and their local South African branch, who organised the event in Cape Town, South Africa. The event attracted some 1300 delegates from 70 or so countries who attended presentations on all aspects of poultry disease and its diagnosis, management and control.

The Congress was dedicated to the memory of the Association’s last president, Trevor Bagust, who died in office a year or so ago and was officially opened by his widow, Joanne, by the symbolic beating of an African drum.

The opening ceremony also featured the induction of a further 10 distinguished poultry veterinarians and poultry health scientists to its Hall of Honour, which can be viewed at, and the presentation of three awards. These were the Bart Rispens Award (supported by MSD Animal Health) that is awarded for the best paper in the Association’s journal, Avian Pathology, that went to Australian Kylie A. Hewson, the WVPA-Zoetis Young Poultry Veterinarian Award that went to Malaysian, Maximillian Sim Kwang Hui, and their new award, the WVPA-Merial Innovation in Vaccination Award, for which the first recipient was Siba K Samal from the USA.

During the meeting a new president and two new vice presidents were elected into office, the new president is British poultry veterinarian, Nigel Horrox, and his vice presidents will be Nicolas Eterradossi from France and Prof Aini Ideris from Malaysia.

Nigel told us:

“WVPA is going from strength to strength with new branches from India, Iraq, Kenya and Nigeria coming on board at this Congress and three great meetings to look forward to in the near future, the outlook looks good for our Association!”

Forthcoming events include the Asian WVPA Meeting in Manila, Philippines in October 2016, WVPAC2017 in Edinburgh, Scotland and WVPA2019 in Bangkok, Thailand.

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