So – what do some of our valued readers and customers think of Farming Monthly?
We read FM regularly, and always find something worthwhile! Would recommend it to anyone who likes to know what’s REALLY going on in the world of farming!! Genuinely, I do read FM whenever I can.
~ R.Husbands
Just thought I’d email you regarding your excellent magazine. I like Farming Monthly because it gives my husband (a retired and disabled farmer) something to look forward to – he loves to read it. It keeps him up to date with the latest innovations in farming plus, I get to read it too and like to enter the competitions.
~ Mrs A.M.Stubbs
Farming Monthly has so many interesting articles which suit every member of the family, whether young, middle aged or old. Your reporters work hard to find issues of importance over and above the other farming papers. I also find the size of the magazine is very comfortable.
~ M.Harcombe
I like reading Farming Monthly because I like finding news relating to Farming, and I learn many things I did not know by reading it!! After reading It I like to keep it for future reference. I am very passionate about agriculture and really like how Farming Monthly is on Twitter!!
~ E.R.Gadd
I enjoy reading the magazine as quite often it gives a different perspective on events and the reports make an interesting read. Anyway keep up the good work and I obviously enjoy your competitions as I have now won twice!!
~ V.Deradour
Our appearance in the September 2011 edition is just fantastic news! And to actually write us back and tell us, I don’t think any publication has ever actually done that before ;-)) Your product and your service go well beyond anything I expected. Thank you so much!
Peterson Sawmills, New Zealand
~ Kerris Browne
I just wanted to say how pleased we are with the advert and editorial in the August issue. The whole feature looked superb, and was a great collection of credible articles about roof mounted PV systems. The magazine has been out around a week now and we have had around 5 phone calls from the advert. That is very promising, and we hope there will be plenty more to come.
If you could send around an extra half a dozen copies of the magazine to us, that would be helpful. It would benefit our sales reps to see our spread in the magazine, and for them to show to the farmers that they go out to visit. Thanks again
~ Mark Quigley
The article looks fantastic! The team here at TER are really pleased, so thank you for including us.
The National Plant & Equipment Register (TER)
~ Eve Smart
Farming Monthly National provides us with the opportunity to communicate liming advice, as well as our product & service information, in a timely manner to a broad section of the UK’s arable, mixed and grassland enterprises.“
~ Richard Cogman
>We find the staff very helpful and friendly and we are very happy with the level of service that we receive. Farming Monthly National targets just the market we are after.
Cheffins (Cambridge Machinery Sales)
~ Bill Pepper