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Mixer saves time in busy calf units

KiwiKit Ltd, a family firm with New Zealand solutions for British grassland farmers, has introduced a revolutionary new product for busy calf units.

stallion milk mixer

MT450 Stallion milk mixer


The Stallion Milk Mixer mixes and dispenses colostrums, whole milk or milk powder. Developed to save time and be easy to use, the new mobile tanker / mixer is available ex-stock in 450 litre capacity (single axle) and, to order, in 800 litre (tandem axle) models. It allows for rapid mixing on either a hot or cold milk system and ensures the correct dilution of powdered milk to avoid digestive problems including the consumption of over or under concentrated milk.

The risk of spreading Johne’s disease can also be substantially reduced by using powdered milk compared to using whole milk and colostrum. Another benefit is seen when milk needs to be transported between units, sheds and even between farms.

Built on a strong galvanised steel frame, with a Honda petrol engine for mixing, concealed in box on the front, it has a calibrated floating level indicator, a simple click-and-clean system and an easy-use dispenser gun that delivers at 320 litres per minute

JC Wallace of Jipps Farm, Barkcombe, East Sussex, runs a calf unit. He comments; “We use the Stallion milk mixer to feed our 400 Autumn-born calves. The mixer saves us at least three hours a day, compared with our previous 120 litre trolley mixer. It effortlessly incorporates high levels of milk powder, is easy to clean and easy to use.

We are able to feed all of our calves within an hour, which has visibly improved their health and vitality – as well as the humour of our calf rearer!”

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