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Dow AgroSciences reveals plans to launch new cereal fungicide

Cereal market to benefit from unique new chemistry.


Dow AgroSciences LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company revealed more details today about its plans to launch an innovative new fungicide to control key diseases in cereal crops. Inatreq™ (pronounced “INNA-trek”) active, a product derived from naturally occurring material with outstanding performance, represents a new market opportunity for Dow AgroSciences, with expected annual sales to exceed $200 million at maturity.

Dow AgroSciences is seeking to register Inatreq for use in all major cereal fungicide countries including the UK and Ireland. Currently in the development process, initial Inatreq registrations are anticipated in 2018.

“Farmers are looking for novel fungicides as they fight resistance to protect important crops like cereals,” said Toni McEwan, Dow AgroSciences’ Managing Director for the UK and the Republic of Ireland. “Inatreq will be the only fungicide in the industry that represents a new target site for disease control in the cereals market, which brings great value to farmers.”

Inatreq provides a unique spectrum of disease control in cereals. Based on field trials, key diseases will be effectively controlled by Inatreq at anticipated label use rates. The new fungicide will provide strong efficacy in wheat against Septoria tritici with activity against rust and other diseases.

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