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Dow AgroSciences reveals plans to launch new cereal fungicide

Dow AgroSciences reveals plans to launch new cereal fungicide

Dow AgroSciences LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company revealed more details today about its plans to launch an innovative new fungicide to control key diseases in cereal crops. Inatreq™ (pronounced “INNA-trek”) active, a product derived from naturally occurring material with outstanding performance, represents a new market opportunity for Dow AgroSciences, with […]

Survey highlights importance of SDHIs

Survey highlights importance of SDHIs

A recent UK-wide survey of 40 independent advisors conducted by leading market research organisation GfK, aimed to gauge how advisors are using SDHI fungicides and what are the main differences between the products three years after the first new generation SDHI was launched. “It is clear that there is a strong awareness of the leading […]

Increasing role for chlorothalonil predicted in wheat fungicide programmes this spring

Increasing role for chlorothalonil predicted in wheat fungicide programmes this spring

With reports of changes in sensitivity of Septoria to the triazoles and on the back of a difficult year for disease control, it is expected that the use of chlorothalonil will grow this year to bolster Septoria protection. The SDHIs fungicides have now been introduced to support the azoles, but they come with a single […]

Non-disease benefits in fruit and vegetable crops with Signum

Non-disease benefits in fruit and vegetable crops with Signum

Research work last year undertaken by ADAS and BASF showed that, in brassicas, Signum enabled the more efficient use of available nitrogen and so contributed to a better gross margin for vegetable growers. “This pioneering research work shows that when Signum is used in brassicas for disease control, it also has a positive spin-off effect […]

Guard against late season disease

Guard against late season disease

“Strong grain prices justify investment in flag leaf sprays,” he says. “But changeable crop conditions, following a dry first quarter in some areas, may mean yield potential is variable also. A robust triazole solution is therefore going to have widespread appeal,” believes James. He adds that choices made at T2 will have influenced T3 decisions. […] great opportunity to promote your business to our dedicated readership of farmers, landowners, estate managers and associated agricultural professionals.
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