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Record-breaking reporting by tech-savvy cattle keepers

Cattle keepers are holding their position at the forefront of electronic reporting.

Figures from the Rural Payments Agency’s British Cattle Movement service show the bar was raised yet again in the past month with a record-breaking proportion of movements – 95.49 per cent- reported online or on the self service phone line. Almost 90 per cent of births and 70 per cent of deaths were also reported electronically.

This equates to 139,029 of the total 155,109 births being reported electronically; 860,425 of the total 901,016 movements; 174,765 of the total 249,199 deaths and 1,174,219 of the total 1,305,324 overall transactions being reported electronically.

RPA’s BCMS manages 20 million cattle transactions every year, broken down into three million births, 14 million movements and three million deaths. The self-service phone line and online service are available 24-7. Other farm software packages are also available which allow farmers to record electronically rather than sending paper forms through the post.

The Single Payment Scheme Online application service is another time-saving and secure offering from RPA. SPS Online helps farmers and agents by preventing the most common mistakes found on traditional paper applications, saving all the farm details for the following year, and allowing them to track their claim right through to payment.


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