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Grassland farmers must wake up to changing pesticide rules

Grassland farmers must wake up to changing pesticide rules

While many farmers who use professional pesticides on grassland are aware of the need to protect water, a significant number remain unaware of the imminent changes in legislation to use and apply such products, according to The Voluntary Initiative (VI). A survey undertaken by the VI and the Pesticides Forum during summer/autumn 2014 showed that […]

Micron launches Varidome band sprayer for vegetables

Micron launches Varidome band sprayer for vegetables

At the recent Cereals event, Micron Group – manufacturer of specialist spraying equipment – presented its latest Varidome model which has been specifically designed for treating weeds in vegetables and other narrowly planted crops. The Varidome S3 band sprayer on display was fitted with the new narrow design Varidome 100 HiFlo shields which are capable […]

Micron Group welcomes three new team members

Gillian Wall commenced her employment with the company in March 2014 in a new role of the Group Finance Controller. A Chartered Accountant for over 20 years, Gillian brings extensive knowledge of finance, contract negotiation, human resource management and strategic business development. Gillian will be overseeing management reporting and budgeting for the Group, helping to […]

Stewardship welcomes recognition of low drift nozzles

Stewardship welcomes recognition of low drift nozzles

The announcement by the UK Chemicals Regulatory Department (CRD) to recognise low drift nozzles as risk mitigation measures for applications of plant protection products on broad acre arable and grassland crop is warmly welcomed by the consortium of the Say NO to DRIFT stewardship campaign. Since early 2012, the initiative has proved that growers are […]

Survey highlights importance of SDHIs

Survey highlights importance of SDHIs

A recent UK-wide survey of 40 independent advisors conducted by leading market research organisation GfK, aimed to gauge how advisors are using SDHI fungicides and what are the main differences between the products three years after the first new generation SDHI was launched. “It is clear that there is a strong awareness of the leading […]

Last chance for residual control

Last chance for residual control

While the cold weather that descended on the UK this week may hamper growers’ plans to apply tank-mixes, applications of Liberator (flufenacet and diflufenican) can still go ahead where conditions are suitable for spraying, says independent agronomist Sean Sparling. Liberator’s recent label extension could be of great value to growers who were unable to make […]

Testing scheme beats government targets

Testing scheme beats government targets

The National Sprayer Testing Scheme continues to build on previous success with the 2009/2010 end-of-year figures showing a 2% increase in the number of sprayers tested the most successful year in the schemes history. In total, 13,800 sprayers were checked last year, exceeding government targets and covering 89.2% of the UK sprayed area. Owners and […] great opportunity to promote your business to our dedicated readership of farmers, landowners, estate managers and associated agricultural professionals.
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