Spain Golden Pig Awards 2017

Over 800 professionals from the pork producing industry attended the Award Ceremony of the XXIV Porc D’Or Awards for excellence in the city of Segovia. At this event, the Institute for Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA), organiser of the awards, together with the co-organiser Zoetis, presented 49 statuettes to a total of 38 pork producers […]
£5.5m initiative bids to boost farm livestock health in Africa

Vet experts are delivering a £5.5 million initiative to improve the health and productivity of farmed animals in sub-Saharan Africa. The scheme aims to boost the livelihoods of livestock farmers by delivering evidence-based technologies that offer sustainable solutions to the challenges they face. The Supporting Evidence Based Interventions initiative (SEBI) has received funding from the […]
Dutch agri & food exports achieve record high in 2016

The Dutch agri & food sector has further strengthened its leading position in the world market. In 2016, Agri & Food exports totalled almost 94 billion euros, compared to 90 billion in 2015. Agricultural products accounted for 85 billion euros and agricultural materials, knowledge and technology accounted for 9 billion: a new record. This means […]
Alltech joins the Soil and Fertilizer Alliance of China, Dr. Mark Lyons named vice president

In an effort to improve soil quality and environmental protection in China, various key players from soil, fertilizer and livestock industries formed the Soil and Fertilizer Alliance of China (SFAC) in February 2016. Alltech, guided by its founding ACE principle of positively benefiting the animal, the consumer and the environment, has joined the SFAC. Dr. […]
HYB announces winner of Australian Exchange Competition

Holstein Young Breeders (HYB) member, Andrew Patton, is ecstatic to be heading down under this January for a month of dairy learning and development, as he wins the HYB Australian Exchange programme. He has also been shortlisted for Holstein UK President’s Medal following interviews at Agriscot. HYB is the next generation of Holstein UK and […]
Israeli startup ScanTask showcased in London: How to make Precision Agronomy easily accessible to world farmers

ScanTask, an under the radar Israeli startup, has showcased AgriTask, a flexible and integrative agronomic management system, which makes Precision Agronomy and agriculture technologies immediately accessible to world farmers. The demonstration took place during the World Agri-Tech Investment Summit in London at the Hilton Tower Bridge hotel on November 2-3, 2016. According to the […]
Aussie pasture seeds fuel booming South American beef industry

Major forage seed distributor Pasture Genetics is preparing to meet Argentina’s growing cattle feed demand and has built a new warehouse in Virginia, South Australia, to house its export product. The company already sells its commodity varieties to Argentina and is in the process of establishing a market for its improved premium range. Pasture Genetics’ […]
Britt-Marie Stegs, founder of #ethicalmeat and Hälsingestintan receives international entrepreneurial award

Britt-Marie Stegs and Hälsingestintan awardee in International Women´s Entrepreneurial Challenge 2016. Britt-Marie who has shifted paradigms on the swedish meat market with her mobile abattoirs and ethical beef production, is now ready to take on the international market. She is (together with Isabella Löwengrip and Pingis Hadenius, Lowengrip Care & Color) Swedens awardee in this […]
First solar farm in ‘red mud’ community renewable energy project joins the grid

The first commercial solar farm in a project aiming to provide options for Australia’s struggling vignerons has gone live. The 187kw site in the South Australian town of Renmark was switched on to the electricity grid on September 26. It is the first of three similar-sized sites expected to be up and running before the […]