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Transport and animals are the biggest killers in agriculture

Transport and animals are the biggest killers in agriculture

The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) latest fatality statistics show incidents involving moving vehicles and cattle are the biggest causes of death on Britain’s farms. Thirty three workers and four members of the public were killed on Britain’s farms during 2014/15* with around half (16) being struck or run over by farm equipment, or crushed […]

Rural safety group welcomes bull danger storyline on The Archers

Rural safety group welcomes bull danger storyline on The Archers

The long-running BBC radio drama has in recent days featured a plot line in which farmer Tony Archer was critically injured after being crushed against a wall and then trampled by his bull. Members of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health’s (IOSH) Rural Industries Group have long campaigned to raise awareness of safe cattle […]

IOSH in Ireland welcomes HSA’s strong emphasis on farm safety

IOSH in Ireland welcomes HSA’s strong emphasis on farm safety

    A renewed emphasis on farm safety by the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has been welcomed by the world’s largest professional safety and health organisation. The HSA has announced it is to consider prosecution on a case-by-case basis under certain circumstances following a farm inspection. The body says it has had to review […]

Defra’s septic tank review takes CLA concerns on board

Defra’s septic tank review takes CLA concerns on board

The CLA has said that government proposals to replace the current registration system for septic tanks with a more risk-based system are a step in the right direction for more than half a million people with rural properties and businesses not connected to mains sewerage networks. The Association has welcomed the deregulatory proposal from Defra, […]

Comments are invited for a new CPA document-Ground Conditions for Construction Plant

Comments are invited for a new CPA document-Ground Conditions for Construction Plant

Failure of the ground on which construction plant stands and moves is a frequent cause of minor incidents and near misses on sites, together with a significant number of serious injuries and fatalities. The new guidance deals with ground bearing pressures and loadings from mobile plant, and assessment and engineering of the ground’s capability to […]

Farmers warned about slurry gases danger

Farmers warned about slurry gases danger

The dangers surrounding slurry gases are the focus of a new leaflet launched tomorrow (Wednesday) by the Farm Safety Partnership, chaired by the NFU. They have been the cause of a number of tragic and high profile accidents in recent years resulting in the death of people and animals. Decomposition of slurry can release a […]

Firefighters rescue farmer skewered by metal spike

Firefighters rescue farmer skewered by metal spike

Firefighters were faced with an extraordinary rescue operation when a farmer accidentally impaled himself onto a 45 centimetre long tractor fork. The 40 millimetre thick spike had gone straight through the right side of Graham Heatley’s lower back, across his abdomen and was sticking out of the left side of his stomach. He had been […]

Promoting safe delivery of feed onto Britain’s farms

Promoting safe delivery of feed onto Britain’s farms

The Farm Safety Partnership, comprising AIC, CLA, NFU, TFA and NFU Mutual, has produced the guidance to ensure that the whole industry shares good practice and knowledge. “By adopting common standards it is hoped that the number of injuries that arise during farm deliveries will decrease,” said Garry Rudd, AIC’s Technical Manager who has helped […]

Ban skylanterns, demands CLA

CLA President Harry Cotterell said: “The concept of launching a flaming bonfire into the night sky with absolutely no idea of where it will land has always seemed reckless and bizarre. It is clear that skylanterns represent a wholly unnecessary risk to property, woodland, crops, moorland and livestock. “Many millions of pounds of damage has […] great opportunity to promote your business to our dedicated readership of farmers, landowners, estate managers and associated agricultural professionals.
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