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Future of beef & dairy experts gather at Alltech Global 500


The future for ‘beef and dairy’ is the crucial topic for the influential Alltech Global 500 conference ‘A Brave New World’ which, held on 6-8th December in Kentucky USA, will unite feed and animal health experts from around the world.

A packed agenda of key topics, including the competing demands for food and fuel, the impact of population growth and the absolute necessity of embracing new technologies will ensure a thought provoking event.

Dr John Cameron
Dr John Cameron, President of the Scottish Beef Cattle Association, who farms a 250 suckler and pedigree herd of Herefords at his Balbuthie Farm in East Fife, will serve as panellist on the “Road Map to the Future of the Beef Industry” discussion.

Speaking at his ‘Winter Beef Management’ Open Day held on farm earlier this month Dr Cameron was looking forward to Global 500. “This is, no doubt, an exciting time for world beef producers. ‘Food security’ is now the watchword in agri-political circles. With the world population forecast to grow to over 8bn in the next 20 years, agricultural production will have to increase dramatically. New and more efficient technology, together with renewed financial incentive, will be necessary to encourage enough beef producers to take up the challenge. With all these mouths to feed, it is absolutely critical to find the right balance between a greener land and a more productive one. Fortunately, these are the very issues that Global 500 will bring to the fore.”

Topics at Global 500 will include:

Feeding the world whilst leaving a lower carbon footprint

Improving calf performance with Omega-3 fatty acids and other components

Programmed nutrition: Calf programs that improve performance and product quality

Grow-finisher: controlling disease in animals and humans using nutritional strategies

32,000 litres of milk: reality or an unachievable target?

More milk and health from forage: 3 years and 20,000 cows worth of experience

“The range and calibre of speakers at Global 500 will be exceptional,” says Dr Cameron, “from Dr. Pearse Lyons, President of Alltech to leading researchers, marketers and farmers from across the globe. This really is an unmissable opportunity to hear and meet the opinion leaders who will shape the course of the future.”

To secure your place at the 2011 Alltech Global 500 Conference, please call Alltech’s UK office on 01780 764512 or visit


Founded by Dr Pearse Lyons, Alltech is a global animal health and nutrition company with 30 years experience in developing natural products that are scientifically proven to enhance animal health and performance. With more than 2,300 employees in 120 countries, the company has developed a strong regional presence in Europe, North America, Latin America, the Middle-East and Asia.

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