Links developed between German tractor manufacturer and Park Lodge Shooting School
Fendt is dedicated to providing a premium product which delivers value to customers because of its reliability, value for money and superior customer service, just like the Bayston family aim to do at Park Lodge
L to R: Richard Shelton, National Sales Manager, Fendt UK, Tom Bayston, Park Lodge Shooting School and Sharon Bayston on her horse Torbellino 1v.
Tom and Sharon Bayston, proprietors of Park Lodge Shooting School, East Yorkshire, are developing links with German tractor manufacturer Fendt as part of their drive to deal with suppliers committed to delivering a premium product and who demonstrate a similar businesses ethos to their own.
Following a trip with Selby–based dealer Peacock and Binnington to the Fendt factory in Marktoberdorf, Germany, the Baystons placed an order for a new Fendt 939 Vario tractor, which will be used to cultivate the land surrounding the Shooting School and on the Bayston family’s farm at Pollington Grange nearby.
Tom commented: “I was looking to change tractor brands for a while and the Fendt 939 fitted the bill perfectly. It is more economical, lighter but can be weighted and has improved driver comfort and controls. Whilst they are one of the most expensive tractors to purchase they are one of the most cost-efficient to operate.
The trip to the Fendt factory gave me an excellent insight in the production of the tractor and into Fendts’ business ethos which so closely mirrors our own. As well as leading the field in technology, Fendt is dedicated to providing a premium product which delivers value to customers because of its reliability, value for money and superior customer service, just like we aim to do at Park Lodge.”
On delivery of the tractor, Fendt also presented the Baystons with two official Fendt horse blankets. Fendt sponsor the German Equestrian Team, and are closely associated with the equestrian industry. Its logo ‘Dieselross’ is taken from when Hermann Fendt built the first “dieselross” (diesel horse) in his father’s blacksmiths shop using a stationary engine and an old mower in 1928. The Fendt Dieselross became a popular tractor and the company grew to be a major force in the agricultural machinery sector, known for its ground breaking technological developments.
Richard Shelton, National Sales Manager of Fendt UK, said: “It’s great to work with other businesses adopting the same values that Fendt has in developing products that they believe are the very best on the market. Tom and Sharon have worked hard to produce a facility that sets the bar high and they have created a sound business which I am sure will go from strength to strength.
Our own business will be enjoying the facilities at Park Lodge soon as we will be hosting our annual shoot here later this month. This will be the third time we have run the event at Park Lodge and the service they provide in making our guests feel welcome is outstanding.”
Sharon Bayston is a keen horsewoman, has recently been appointed Joint Master of the Badsworth and Bramham Moor Hunt and is a regular competitor in one day eventing and championships throughout the UK. Sharon commented: “We found a huge synergy with Fendt due to the fact that we are both involved in the agricultural, countryside and equestrian fields. This gives us a great insight into what our customers are looking for and the high quality products and service they expect – whether they are buying machinery or booking a shooting lesson.”
Developed and run by Tom and Sharon Bayston, Park Lodge Shooting School is open to all and offers a wide range of shooting experiences and tuition for the novice and experienced clay and game shooter. It also has an Air Rifle Range, a stylish country wear shop, impressive meeting facilities and a popular coffee shop/bistro serving homemade food and hot and cold drinks.
Park Lodge is located just off Finleys Lane in West Cowick, nr. Goole, just minutes from J36 of the M62. For full details and opening times visit the website at, call 01405 764500 or email