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Bayer CropScience unveils new oilseed rape Expert guide

Bayer CropScience has published a new Expert Guide to cover winter oilseed rape production to add to its existing range of Expert booklets, which have proved extremely popular with growers and agronomists.

Oilseed Rape

New oilseed rape Expert guide now available


The guide, which is written by a number of independent advisers from ADAS and NIAB TAG, as well as internal Bayer CropScience experts, covers all aspects of oilseed rape production from sowing and autumn agronomy to yield maximisation and harvest.

Unveiled at Cereals 2012, the guide goes into detail about each topic giving growers practical guidance on how to grow the highest yielding crops of oilseed rape.

For example, in the establishment section, the main sowing methods are outlined, and then guidance given on how to select establishment method in different conditions.

The main pests and diseases are also covered in depth, giving information on identification, biology and chemical and cultural control.

Finally the yield maximisation section explains how yield is determined, and how to go about creating the optimised crop.

In addition, to the new Expert Guide on oilseed rape, Bayer CropScience has also produced new editions of the Expert Guides on slugs, black-grass, brome, annual meadow-grass and rye-grass.

The Expert Guide on slugs has been re-written by independent experts, including Prof David Glen of Styloma Research and Consulting and Dr Gordon Port from Newcastle University. It now pinpoints the critical control periods for slug applications in the key crops that slugs attack: cereals, oilseed rape and potatoes, and includes a new section on stewardship.

The grass-weed Expert Guides have been updated to reflect new research in grass-weed management, and re-organised for clearer presentation. Herbicides that are no longer approved have been removed, while new active ingredients have been added.

All the Expert Guides are free for farmers and agronomists and available by registering for a copy at Cereals 2012 or online at


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