Government cuts costs and reduces burdens on farmers
Farmers will be helped significantly by government cuts to red tape, according to a report published today by an independent group led by former NFU Director General Richard Macdonald.
Farmers will be helped significantly by government cuts to red tape, according to a report published today by an independent group led by former NFU Director General Richard Macdonald.
Following recommendations from the Farming Regulation Taskforce Implementation Group, the government has cut unnecessary red tape whilst maintaining the UK’s very high welfare, environmental and food quality standards. This will help farmers to grow their businesses and support the rural economy.
Farming Minister George Eustice said:
“Regulations are important in upholding our high standards of farming, but overly burdensome rules have made life difficult for farmers for too long. By cutting red tape we’re making it easier for farmers to grow their businesses and support the rural economy. Removing unnecessary bureaucracy will let farmers get on with the job of providing high quality food while still protecting the natural environment.”
Chairman of the Farming Regulation Taskforce Implementation Group, Richard Macdonald, said:
“The government has made significant progress following our initial recommendations. It has put in place the foundations of a good structure and strategy to deliver on-going regulatory improvements, which benefit both the farmer and regulators. While farmers may not feel a difference from every change and the impacts of changes may not filter through for several years, this work will make a cumulative difference to thousands of the nation’s farmers if fully implemented.”
Simple changes have made a big difference to a variety of farms across the country. Changes include:
- Electronic reporting for sheep and goats is being phased in from next month which will deliver savings to the farming industry of around £500,000 over 10 years.
- An ‘earned recognition’ scheme has reduced the number of dairy farm inspections by over 8,000 a year. Earned recognition means that the scheme limits the number of inspections on farms that have excellent track-records in complying with regulations.
- Environmental guidance it is being made easier, quicker and clearer for businesses to understand. This is expected to reduce the time required for new businesses to understand their environmental obligations by over 80%.
- The waste exemption guide has been simplifed, increasing online registration from around 20% to around 70%.
- 885 members of the Environment Agency’s Pigs and Poultry Scheme have benefited from a £880 reduction in Environment Agency fees and time savings through fewer inspections as part of an earned recognition scheme.
Focus on results: Defra is now closer with the farming industry on EU matters.
- To enable a accurate record of all regulation on the statute, changes to regulation will be published on via an integrated portal “Defra-Lex”.
- Defra launched the Policy Information Management Made Simpler (PIMMS), process which ensures that better regulation issues are considered throughout policy development
- Defra staff are increasing their knowledge of the farming industry through the Farming Industry Training Strategy encouraging them to regularly undertake farm visits and agricultural training.
Inspections and earned recognition: Challenging the government to improve its risk-based targeting of inspection and enforcement activities, reducing regulatory burdens on farmers who demonstrate best practice.
- 14 out of 31 on-farm inspection regimes give farmers and food processors the opportunity to earn recognition. Find out more here.
- The Earned Recognition Plan was published in August 2013. It highlights the potential for incorporating an earned recognition approach into inspections.
- 885 members of the Environment Agency’s Pigs and Poultry Scheme earn recognition and get a £880 reduction in Environment Agency fees and time savings from fewer inspections.
- Earned recognition in egg marketing inspections will reduce routine yearly inspections to medium/large producers from 2-3 to around 1
- Incorporating earned recognition into dairy hygiene inspections has reduced the number of FSA inspections taking place on dairy farms by over 8,000 per year
- The FSA is also working with Red Tractor Assurance to implement earned recognition on animal feed from April 2014 – a scheme that could reduce on-farm inspections by 10,000 a year.
Data-sharing and paperwork: Championing the Task Force’s recommendations on involving stakeholders in the drafting of guidance documents, sharing more information between Defra agencies, and, where they exist, removing duplicated information requests.
- Farmers will find it easier to understand their environmental obligations by March 2014, as the Smarter Guidance project is reviewing all Defra’s guidance. This is expected to reduce the time required for new businesses to understand their environmental obligations by over 80%.
- Smarter Data project is reducing the burden of information requests by March 2014 by reviewing all data businesses are asked to submit to Defra.
- A shorter waste exemeption guide has made it easier for farmers to use online applications. Online registration has now increased from around 20% to around 70%.
- The ‘Find It’ tool will join up farm information from a number of different sources in order to better inform inspection programmes and other interventions.
Government communication with the industry: Overseeing a suite of government projects which are developing ways to deliver simplified and integrated environmental and regulatory messages to farmers. Encouraging Defra to support these with advice and incentives to increase uptake of best practice.
- Farmers now receive clearer environmental messages: the new Campaign for the Farmed Environment was launched in April 2013.
- Defra continues to use evidence provided by the farming industry to influence EU policy e.g. Defra’s report on Animal Health and Welfare and Food Safety, this evidence base will inform the future direction of the UK’s relationship with the EU; the Nitrates directive and CAP reform.
- Defra consultations are now supported by online tool “Citizen-Space” which improves interaction for consultees, provides better focus and assists with analysis
- The Farmer Information Group scrutinises farmer communications from Defra and its network and put in place practical solutions to streamline and coordinate events and communication activities.
Animal movements: Driving forward progress on a range of measures to simplify controls and to extend the use of electronic reporting of animal movements.
- A simpler single page cattle passport was introduced in July 2011.
- Over 92% of pig movements are now being reported electronically.
- Electronic reporting for sheep and goats will be phased in from April 2014 this will deliver savings to the farming industry of around £500,000 over 10 years.
- As announced at the Oxford Farming Conference, in 2016/17 the government will also implement the recommendations made by the Farming Regulation Task Force to simplify how we define livestock holdings in England to avoid confusion around the rules. We will also phase out cattle tracing links and Sole Occupancy Authorities.