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BCPC joins in raising concerns over threats to the ACP and PRC


BCPC, along with the CLA, FPC and NFU is supporting the CPA in highlighting concerns raised in a recent letter to the Secretary of State, the Rt. Hon Caroline Spelman, about the possible changes in the way that expert opinion is given regarding pesticides.

It has been suggested that the future of the Advisory Committee on Pesticides (ACP) and the Pesticide Residues Committee (PRC) may both be at risk, as part of the Governments review on quangos and committees. Currently the committee members of the ACP perform a vital role in advising Ministers on issues of pesticide safety. It is important that such a high profile area, which regularly comes under public scrutiny, is scientifically robust and transparent; the same level of public confidence could not be maintained if the ACP became a committee of experts reporting to the Chemicals Regulation Directorate, rather than direct to Ministers.

The independent nature of the PRC has played a major role in the success of putting pesticide residues in perspective, particularly in respect to their presence in food. BCPC feels strongly that doing away with the PRC and ACP would be a retrograde step in terms of improving public confidence in pesticide usage.

A copy of the letter that was sent to the Secretary of State can be found on the BCPC website at:

For further information contact: Dr Colin Ruscoe, Chairman, BCPC, Tel: +44 (0) 7714 667500 Email:

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