Substantial Poultry Training Grants Now Available
Poultry farmers and egg producers throughout the North and Midlands are being offered a new series of poultry training courses, which have substantial grant support.
Grant funding means that veterinary course modules which would normally cost 150 per delegate are now available for 35 to 45. Run by MVP Training, part of the Minster Veterinary Practice Ltd, the courses are funded by LandSkills, and managed by Lantra as part of the Rural Development Programme for England.
The courses will help producers gain and then maintain accreditations, such as the Lion Code (eggs), RSPCA Freedom Foods (eggs/broilers/ducks), Assured Chicken Production, and Quality British Turkey assurance. Approval is due imminently on MVP courses being Poultry Passport approved. This means any producer attending a course can enter it on his Poultry Passport to show on-going training.
The courses cover veterinary health, biosecurity, welfare, vaccination and medication, laboratory procedures, housing and the environment, egg production, food and supply chain, insect and pest control, vermin control, fire awareness, health and safety. Some courses are split into a number of modules, enabling farmers to choose which modules they want to cover.
Alastair Johnston, head of MVP Training, said: The courses will play a major role in helping poultry and egg producers to reduce disease and increase productivity, performance and profitability on the farm. Producers will be shown how to recognise signs of disease by knowing what is normal and abnormal, giving them the opportunity to catch these diseases early before they become serious.
The benefits of these courses are all measurable and will highlight increased rate of growth, improved food consumption rates, and improved production and quality, he added.
The MVP courses are designed for all levels and can accommodate a wide range of skill sets from new entrants through to farm workers and managers. Courses also complement an employees existing NVQ programme or can be an alternative.
Poultry and egg producers wanting to find out what courses are due to be run in their area should contact MVP Training on 01904 709007 or email
Case Study: Andrew Warriner, free range egg producer
Andrew Warriner, a free range egg producer from Pickering, North Yorkshire, has had several days of MVP training and is planning to book a further two to three days shortly. He attended the veterinary health courses and also the egg production, and vaccination and medication modules.
The courses are fantastic. Theyve given me much more insight and knowledge about hens and this is helping to increase production and tackle any issues with the flock, he said.
The training has shown me how to spot problems earlier, and Im also now vaccinating the pullets more often and at a different stage. As a result they are looking really healthy.
Andrew said the courses have helped him to carry out basic post mortems and to communicate clearly with vets when their assistance is required.
He is responsible for looking after 22,000 hens at Swainsea Barn Farm, Pickering.