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Institution of Agricultural Engineers (IAgrE) backs proposed Festival of Farming and Food




The aspirations of a group of like minded farmers to hold a festival to celebrate the best of British farming, food and countryside, is welcomed by the IAgrE.

“IAgrE gives its full support to the project,” said Chris Whetnall IAgrE CEO. “Over the years the gap between the farmer and consumer has widened and this event will help to educate the general public and showcase how advanced agricultural technology has become and how it is being applied to achieve efficient, sustainable, food production.”

The organisers, Farming in the Park Ltd, want to challenge every county in the UK to bring to Hyde Park an acre’s worth of exhibits that will exemplify the best of food, farming and countryside from their area.

“The end of the Royal Show has left British farmers without a flagship event to promote their produce and educate the general public about where food comes from and how it is produced,” added Chris.

Organisations such as AEA, BBSRC, JCB, John Deere and the NFU have also committed support to the event. The event is also supported by FACE, a farming education charity who believe the event will give children from London’s 2,250 schools a rare opportunity to see the food and farming story live and close up.

The four day festival will take place from Thursday 26th September to Sunday 29th September 2013. Entry will be free and it will not be a profit-making event.

The Duke of Edinburgh writes in a brochure sent to prospective supporters: “The last time the Festival of Food and Farming was organised in London was in 1989, and it was a huge success. Now over 20 years later, it would seem about time to repeat such a venture for the benefit of a whole new generation of urban consumers.”

The next task for the organisers, Mantaplan, is to raise funds and gather wider support for an event that will cost an estimated 2.75m to 3.1m to stage.



IAgrE is the professional body for scientists, technologists, engineers, academics, managers and students working in the landbased sector and has an international membership base.

As a licensed body of the Engineering Council (EngC) and a founding Constituent Body of The Society for the Environment (SocEnv), IAgrE registers suitably experienced professionals as Chartered Engineers, Chartered Environmentalists, Incorporated Engineers and Engineering Technicians.

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