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Alltech joins COVAP to power efficiency on 320 Spanish dairy farms

Global animal health leader Alltech is proud to announce a new on-farm dairy partnership with COVAP, one of Spain’s largest farmer co-operatives.


Announcing a new on-farm dairy programme in Spain (from left to right) are Mr. Emilio de Leon, production manager, COVAP, alongside Dr. Pearse Lyons, founder and president of Alltech. This new strategic alliance, with Alltech as COVAP’s exclusive nutrition partner, will aim to increase efficiency and milk yields while decreasing costs to some 320 Spanish dairy farmers in the Andalucía region of Spain

Global animal health leader Alltech is proud to announce a new on-farm dairy partnership with COVAP, one of Spain’s largest farmer co-operatives. COVAP45 in strategic alliance with Alltech will witness initial trials on 15 dairy farms in the Spanish region of Andalucía, with a view to spreading to all 320 farms within the COVAP cooperative by the end of 2017. The aim of COVAP45 is production efficiency for COVAP’s dairy farmers powered by Alltech’s nutrition expertise, with Alltech as the exclusive nutrition partner to COVAP in Spain.

COVAP was founded in 1959 and has more than 14,500 members, of which 7,000 are farmers and specialise in dairy, cheese and meat products. Alltech and COVAP began collaborating on nutritional projects in 2010 and since then have developed a strong alliance focused on efficiency and profitability on-farm. COVAP currently assist its dairy farmers to produce 240 million litres of milk per annum. COPVAP45 will underline the cooperative commitment to innovation for the Spanish dairy market and allow COVAP to hit the mark of 300 million litters of milk per annum.

“Spain is one of the three most important markets for Alltech in Europe,” said Dr. Pearse Lyons, founder and president of Alltech. “Alltech is proud of the achievements made to date in Spain and through COVAP45 Alltech will bring the latest research, solutions and expertise direct to Spanish dairy farmers. COVAP45 underscores our long-term commitment to efficient, sustainable dairy farming and is another way that we are helping to support the continued growth and transformation of the dairy industry.”

Dairy farmers across Europe are becoming increasingly focused on improving their efficiency and profitability. Following the quota abolition earlier this year, increased milk production is very much within the capabilities of the European dairy herd. The key to unlocking profitability in a sustainable manner is through achieving greater efficiency of production. These will be the driving factors behind COVAP45.

“Alltech has significant expertise and vast knowledge in animal nutrition and dairy science and are natural partners for COVAP in the Spanish market,” commented Mr. Antonio Carmona, general manager of COVAP. “Alltech has been a strategic technology and nutritional partner for us across many of our farmer streams here in COVAP, and we look forward to working with the Alltech team to improve milking yields for Spanish farmers while reducing their input costs.”

The significance of this recent announcement was highlighted at the Alltech REBELation where dairy farmers from around the globe gathered in Kentucky last month to discuss the world of dairy and the business opportunities available to them. Key industry leaders in the field of dairy shared insights and knowledge about new branding and marketing opportunities, farm issues, animal health and wellness and the hot topics of carbon footprint on the farm to a hugely enthusiastic audience of nearly 3,000 attendees.

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