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Act now to prevent Springtime problems



Prevention of problems is always better than cure. Its more cost-efficient, takes less time and where livestock is concerned in this case, sheep – reduces stress levels which in-turn enhances performance. Yet it is easy to get into habits that are more reactive, than proactive, usually through being overworked and trying to keep rather too many projects on the go than one can sensibly manage. That seems to be a feature of modern life, on the farm as much as anywhere else.

Now that we are in December, its time to think about providing the sheep with a small amount of supplementation mid-pregnancy in order to prevent bigger problems that can occur in February and March. Last year in particular, the bad weather caused quite a lot of cases of twin-lamb disease and ewes not having sufficient quantities of milk, and in many cases any remedies would have come too late, as supplementation needs to build over a period of weeks.

We would advise farmers to maintain the availability of Crystalyx buckets to the flock throughout the winter months, preferably for a consistent and minimum eight-week period before lambing. This will keep the energy levels high in the flock and will allow them to feed as they need to, without the need for the farmer having to take bag feed out to them in all weathers. House the sheep in January and come March, the results will show in lambs with milk, thrifty new-borns and a good, concise lambing period, not the protracted seven or eight week spread of disruption that can occur.

To help matters, Cornwall Farmers are offering Crystalyx in two sizes, 22.5kg buckets and 80kg tubs, with a special December offer of 30 off the retail price per pallet (pallet comprising either 44 x 22.5Kg, or 12 x 80kg).

When you make a visit to Cornwall Farmers, take the chance also to review what you might also pick up, such as troughs for outdoor feeding, lambing packs and hygiene products to make sure you have everything ready for lambing.

To order or for further information on all Crystalyx products and details about sheep feed, supplements and Duchy Blends, please contact your local representative or telephone Robert Northcott on 07919 382518 or Philippa Lohmeyer on 07976 468563.

Cornwall Farmers is a farmer owned agricultural supply co-operative registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act. The company commenced trading in 1920.

The key co-operative functions of the business are;

To secure reliable supply of agricultural inputs for the West Country.

To achieve optimal buying prices for our members.

To optimise the cost of storage, distribution and administration.

To provide added value to our members through timely and relevant advice.

The co-operative supports livestock, arable and horticultural businesses together with smallholders and the wider rural community. Its principle trading divisions include;

Feed & Forage feed (compounds, blends straights) and forage (fertiliser, seed, additives)

Arable crop protection advice and chemicals, seed, fertiliser

Machinery whole goods (tractors etc), parts, service, hire, professional groundscare (golf courses etc) and domestic (lawnmowers, strimmers etc)

Country Stores animal health, clothing, equestrianism, fencing, farm and garden hardware

The company employs 320 full and part-time staff

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