CLA encourages farmers to pursue anaerobic digestion
This year the UK’s biggest dedicated anaerobic digestion (AD) and biogas event, UK AD & Biogas (3-4 July, NEC Birmingham), will focus heavily on the farming sector, recognising the huge heat and power potential of farm feedstocks – 13.5 TWh of renewable energy per year – that could be delivered through building farm based AD plants.
Welcoming this emphasis on the many benefits of AD to farming Henry Robinson, Deputy President, CLA said:
“I am hopeful that efforts to raise the profile of anaerobic digestion on-farm, such as the recognition granted within the Ecosystems Market Task Force report, will drive uptake in the market. The benefits of anaerobic digestion to farming are so great in terms of slurry storage and methane mitigation as well as renewable energy generation. It would be madness for anyone building a plant to not attend this event, with the answers to so many questions all under one roof.”
Free to attend, this two-day trade show and conference, organised by ADBA, has been designed to help farmers understand the business case for on-farm AD plants – which can generate energy from crops, farm and food wastes, cut emissions, reduce input costs and increase profits. Tailored presentations at the event will answer farmers’ questions relating to sourcing feedstock, financial support, technology procurement, plant management and how to make best use of the outputs generated from an AD plant.
According to Jim Paice MP, former Defra Minister, “AD is the perfect vehicle to ensure Britain’s status as the world leader in climate smart farming.”
Gwyn Jones, Former NFU Vice President, ADBA board director, said:
“UK AD & Biogas is the definitive anaerobic digestion and biogas event for anyone exploring renewable energy whether that be farms that have already started the process, those seriously considering building an AD plant and those farmers who are just starting to think about the potential of green energy – given that Livestock 2013 is on the same day in the same place – what an opportunity for farmers to visit UK AD & Biogas 2013 as well and make a day of it.”
Louise Wallace, Commercial Director, ADBA said:
“With 240+ exhibitors, 24 conference sessions, 22 seminars and workshops, one-to-one professional farming, finance, feedstock, planning, permitting and legal advice clinics this year’s trade show is a little different. We have designed a theme for each morning and afternoon of the two-day event, looking at the business case, feedstock, technology and operations, and best use of outputs. These will all be explored from different points of view throughout the show in the various knowledge hubs, ensuring that you can find the right information and level of interaction for you and your business.”