ADAS grow environmental services by offering tailored archaeological assessments
Agricultural and environmental consultancy ADAS has established an archaeology team to help developers assess the impact of their proposed schemes on heritage assets across the UK.
With local authorities requesting considerations to be made for heritage sites, ADAS has assembled a team of consultants with experience in archaeological plans, strategies, standards and systems on projects across the country.
The archaeology team offers a number of services based on developers’ needs, starting with the Desk Based Assessment (DBA). The DBA looks at the developers’ proposals and evaluates known heritage assets in the area to provide a full account of the information collected from maps, aerial photography and other sources. This is then completed by a site walkover to assess the present land use.
John Lord, Archaeological Consultant at ADAS said: “Archaeological assessments are increasingly becoming an important part of the planning process, whether it is a stipulation for planning approval or not.
“The assessments not only help to protect the landscape and heritage assets across the UK but also help to shape the project design and layout.”
Assessments are tailored to the requirements of each project and the team is able to advise on archaeological issues for various types of development, including school extensions, and housing to renewable energy sites and mixed use developments.
“If a scheme requires archaeological works before or even during construction, the team can also prepare the Written Scheme of Investigation to negotiate the extent of work with the local planning authority for projects such as trial trenching,” said Lord.
For further information from ADAS on its archaeological assessments and environmental services please contact John Lord on 01235 438 900 or email