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Adam Henson hosts Young Farmers’ road safety course

Young Farmers attend first national road safety session at Adam Henson’s Cotswold Farm Park.

Young farmers will attend a Brake 2young2die road safety session at television presenter Adam Henson’s Cotswold Farm Park on 13 April 2013 as part of a nationwide campaign to save lives on rural roads.

The National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs’ Drive it Home campaign, supported by NFU Mutual, aims to reduce the number of incidents involving young drivers. NFYFC wants to create a team of Drive it Home champions throughout the Federation’s 46 counties in England and Wales and the first round of champions will be created at the Brake course in Gloucestershire.

Television presenter and Director of Cotswold Farm Park, Adam Henson, was keen to back the campaign and has invited members to host their first session with road safety charity Brake on its 2young2die training course on his farm on 13 April 2013.

The session, which is free thanks to funding from NFU Mutual and the Rural Youth Trust, runs from 11am until 4pm and will equip members with all they need to know to run their own 2young2die training courses back in their clubs.

Adam Henson said:

“This is a message which is vitally important to reach all young people, who can easily become complacent on rural roads, and especially those young people who live in rural areas where slow moving farm vehicles, livestock, horses, cyclists and drivers trying to take a quick short cut, all share the same road space. This is an extremely worthwhile project and I wish the Drive it Home campaign every success.”

NFYFC’s National Chairman of Council Milly wastie said:

“These courses are so important to our Drive it Home campaign and will help to change attitudes to driving. I have been on the 2young2die course and it has definitely changed my attitude when I’m behind the wheel. By the end of the session, our members will be equipped with the knowledge and materials to take back to their clubs and communities to teach their own 2young2die courses.”

This course is one of seven that Brake is running for YFC members and NFYFC has chosen locations in each Area of the national Federation to give all members opportunity to take part. The campaign also includes practical driving sessions with a company called Drive Doctors and places on these courses have also been subsidised by NFU Mutual.

The majority of NFYFC’s 25,000 members live and work in rural communities putting them in a high risk category for incidents on rural roads. Statistics by Road Safety Analysis show that rural young drivers nationally are 37% more likely to have an injury collision than urban young drivers.

Future courses will be held at:

  • Farmers’ Weekly Office, Surrey – Friday 17th May
  • NFU Mutual Office, Warwickshire – Saturday 1st June
  • Jimmy’s Farm, Suffolk – Saturday 15th June
  • Newark Showground – Saturday 14th September
  • Yorkshire Museum of Farming, York – Saturday 19 October
  • Gwent YFC Office – Saturday 26th October


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