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Saxon Flexi-Fund delivers strong performance

Grain and Seed specialists Saxon Agriculture based in East Walton, Norfolk have announced their 2013/14 wheat Flexi-Fund results - adding to their record of strong Fund performances over the past 8 years.

saxon agriculture

Grain and Seed specialists Saxon Agriculture based in East Walton, Norfolk have announced their 2013/14 wheat Flexi-Fund results – adding to their record of strong Fund performances over the past 8 years.

Despite 3 years of volatile markets, Grain Director Mark Smith has once again secured excellent prices for their committed growers. A key member in the Saxon team with over 20 years trading experience, farmers can be entirely confident in Mark’s ability to market their wheat.

peter crudge

Peter Crudge – Flexi-Fund user

“I’ve been committed to the Saxon Fund for a number of years, and it’s proven to be a successful way to market my wheat. It’s a very useful tool to spread the risk associated with volatile markets, which is why I have recommitted to the 2014/15 Saxon Flexi-Fund.”

~ Peter Crudge, Oxfordshire (Flexi-Fund user)

Implementing some NEW exclusive features for 2014/15 commitment, the wheat Flexi-Fund offers an individual marketing package to farmers across the UK.

  • 4 payment options
  • Bolt on min/max milling premium contracts
  • Free DON Test
  • Regional premiums

The Saxon Flexi-Fund closes for commitment on the 31st March 2014.

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