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Christmas comes to Scotland

Christmas on the mind? It soon will be in Scotland.


Harry Brightwell, secretary of the British Christmas Tree Growers Association

Christmas Tree growers from across the length and breadth of Great Britain are preparing to descend on Scotland for their Annual General Meeting and Open Day on TUESDAY 23rd JUNE, which this time takes place in Stirlingshire.

Award-winning Christmas tree farmers, some of whom have seen their prized trees installed at Downing Street for the festive period, will be sharing industry experiences, touring plantations, and staging their formal AGM.

Around 75 growers are expected to attend the event, which is being held at the farm of Euan Duff, in the village of Buchlyvie.

Harry Brightwell, secretary of the British Christmas Tree Growers Association, said: “Open day events like this one are really important opportunities for growers to discuss tree management practices and see what new learnings there are around how to continually improve the quality of trees grown.

“We’re very lucky to be hosted by the Duff family farm this year. Euan has been growing trees for 25 years and has around 400,000 trees growing on 200 acres of plantation. He sells wholesale, and there is a retail site which also offers ‘ready cut’, as well as the opportunity to ‘Choose and Cut’.

“There’s a good selection of varieties for our member growers to see during their visit, including Nordman, Fraser Fir, Norway and Lodgepole Pine.”

Mr Brightwell added: “Although most income is generated in a four-week period for Christmas tree growers, our members are busy all year round and it takes eight to twelve years of loving care and nurturing for a tree to reach the popular height of 6-7 feet.

You can find out more about BCTGA members in your area by visiting, and entering your postcode. The website also has details on becoming a member.

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