Farm walk and power station tour looks at long-term benefits of farming Miscanthus

A Miscanthus farm walk and power station tour will explore how farmers are benefitting from a renewable crop that’s powering local homes, helping to offset farm carbon emissions, and providing a long-term sustainable income. This event will take place on Tuesday 24th September in north Lincolnshire, running from 09:30 to approximately 15:00 and will be […]
Seek legal advice before committing to renewable energy developments

Farmers and landowners who are approached by onshore wind developers are being urged to seek legal advice from the outset to safeguard their interests. Emily Pumfrey, partner in HCR Hewitsons’ agriculture and estates team, explains that farmers and landowners are likely to see a surge in interest from developers following the new Chancellor of the […]
Five renewable sources of energy for farmers in developing countries

According to the United Nations, access to reliable and sufficient sources of energy will be critical to meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of reducing poverty and hunger by 2015. Many of the world’s poorest people are rural farmers with no connections to power grids or large-scale energy sources. Most of their day-to-day energy currently […]