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FUW farming stalwart explores ways to improve returns for livestock

FUW farming stalwart explores ways to improve returns for livestock

In a bid to maximise return from the land and increase productivity per hectare, FUW farming stalwart John Yeomans and his wife Sarah have adopted a rotational grazing system to maximise the use of crops and grazing. They opened the gates to the family farm, Llwyn y Brain, to share their experience with fellow farmers […]

AFU’s with grazing

The National Beef Association welcomes the decision made last week by the TB Eradication Advisory Group to advise the DEFRA Secretary of State Owen Paterson to continue with Approved Finishing Units with grazing. This proposal by DEFRA vets to abolish AFU,s with grazing was placed before the farming industry in early January and came hard […] great opportunity to promote your business to our dedicated readership of farmers, landowners, estate managers and associated agricultural professionals.
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