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£25 million available to help farmers boost productivity

£25 million available to help farmers boost productivity

• Farmers are invited to apply for farm productivity grants in round three of popular grants scheme • £25 million available to help farmers improve their efficiency and benefit the environment • Applications open until 4 November 25 million has been made available in grants for productivity-boosting farming equipment in the third and final round […]

Severn Trent reopens Environmental Grants Scheme for farmers

Severn Trent reopens Environmental Grants Scheme for farmers

Farmers in the Midlands are being given another opportunity to apply for a grant from Severn Trent to help them to protect local watercourses from pollution. The ‘Severn Trent Environmental Protection Scheme’ (STEPS), which is solely funded by the water company, supports farmers in making improvements to their farm management and infrastructure, reducing the risk […]

£5.5m initiative bids to boost farm livestock health in Africa

£5.5m initiative bids to boost farm livestock health in Africa

Vet experts are delivering a £5.5 million initiative to improve the health and productivity of farmed animals in sub-Saharan Africa. The scheme aims to boost the livelihoods of livestock farmers by delivering evidence-based technologies that offer sustainable solutions to the challenges they face. The Supporting Evidence Based Interventions initiative (SEBI) has received funding from the […]

Farmer business grant available in Wales

Farmers in Wales have the chance to apply for capital grants under the new Farm Business Grant Scheme. The grant is designed to help farmers in Wales to improve the economic and environmental performance of their agricultural holdings and will provide a 40 per cent contribution towards capital investments in equipment and machinery that have […]

FUW discovers great enthusiasm among Gwent’s younger farmers

FUW discovers great enthusiasm among Gwent’s younger farmers

More than 80 younger Gwent farmers turned up to a packed meeting organised by the county branch of the FUW recently to help explain the various schemes and grants available to assist farmers under 40. During the meeting at the King of Prussia public house in Abergavenny farm liaison officers Steve Meredith and Jane Walters […]

New boost for research and development in biobased performance materials

New boost for research and development in biobased performance materials

Some three to six million euros will be available in the Netherlands for research and development into biobased performance materials (BPM) over the next four years. The team in charge of the Top Sector for Chemicals (defined by the Dutch government as an investment priority) has approved a continuation of the BPM R&D programme which […]

£30k scheme launched looking for future food growers

A new £30k pilot scheme aimed at encouraging enterprise in the food growing industry and providing people across the UK and Ireland with the opportunity to create a sustainable livelihood has been launched. The joint ‘Growing Livelihoods’ initiative between philanthropic organisation, Carnegie UK Trust, the Plunkett Foundation and the Land Settlement Association Charitable Trust (LSACT), […]

Defra flooding funding announcement

NFU President Meurig Raymond said: “The NFU welcomes the announcement by Defra with farmers hit by recent flooding being offered grants of up to £35,000. This funding is essential to help cover the costs of restoring damaged land following the unprecedented storms this winter. “We recognise that farmers have faced difficulties in applying for funding […]

2014 Innovact Awards finalists announced

2014 Innovact Awards finalists announced

Fifty six European projects have been chosen for the finals of the 2014 Innovact Awards. During the 18th edition of the European Forum on innovative start-ups – Innovact Forum, to be held on April 1 & 2 – the finalists, made up of project initiators and young entrepreneurs, will present their ideas to potential investors, […]

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