Seek legal advice before committing to renewable energy developments

Farmers and landowners who are approached by onshore wind developers are being urged to seek legal advice from the outset to safeguard their interests. Emily Pumfrey, partner in HCR Hewitsons’ agriculture and estates team, explains that farmers and landowners are likely to see a surge in interest from developers following the new Chancellor of the […]
David Brown 20 years at Borger UK

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of pump company Börger establishing what has become a very successful UK operation. From day-one, the company in the United Kingdom and Ireland has been led by one David Brown. How did you come to be at Börger, setting up the UK subsidiary? DB: I was working in sales for […]
5 reasons to upgrade your legacy on-farm CHP engine

Combined heat and power (CHP) engines are one of the most crucial components on an on-farm anaerobic digestion (AD) plant, converting biogas into usable heat and electricity. As the UK AD industry continues to mature, many of the CHPs originally installed on farm-based biogas plants across the country are now reaching 48,000 hours of operation, […]
Farmers will find their place in the sun by investing in solar farming

Selecting the right location means solar farms can generate income, improve biodiversity, and boost farms’ green credentials explains Pieter D’haen, development manager at power firm SSE Energy Solutions. Travelling through the countryside, it’s easy to see how rural businesses have contributed to the fight against climate change. Those existing wind turbines, anaerobic digesters, and other […]
Duisburg municipal utility CHP plant equipped with urea injection system

The German CHP specialist ETW Energietechnik has delivered natural gas CHP units with selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology for the first time. Thus, Stadtwerke Duisburg is the first user of Adblue technology from ETW. The family business from Moers comprises three plants with MWM engines of the type TCG 2020V12, each with an electrical output […]
Act quickly to avoid grid application fees

Farmers and landowners who are interested in energy generation or storage projects should act quickly to avoid potentially steep fees. From 6 April network operators in England, Wales and Scotland will be able to charge up-front fees for grid connection offers, which could run into thousands of pounds. Hugh Taylor, chief executive of independent power […]
Increase in renewables has led to an unprecedented change in energy supply

A new report launched at the 23rd World Energy Congress on 12 October reveals that the unexpectedly high growth in the renewable energies market, in terms of investment, new capacity and high growth rates in developing countries, is a key factor in this notable shift. It has contributed to falling prices and the increased decoupling […]
Irish agri-tech firm BHSL enters US market with $3m poultry pilot project

Irish agri-tech business BHSL has agreed a $3m pilot project with the State of Maryland to trial its pioneering manure-to-energy technology which is aimed at transforming the environmental impact of the global poultry industry. The patented BHSL Energy Centre to be used in the project was shipped from BHSL’s plant in Ballagh, County Limerick last […]
New campaign urges Government rethink over cuts to small-scale renewables

A new joint campaign is being launched today by the Solar Trade Association and RenewableUK opposing the Government’s plans to cut financial support to small-scale renewables, including wind turbines and solar panels. The campaign, entitled People Power, is calling for members of the public, as well as the thousands of renewable energy employees, to petition […]