Success for Harper Adams graduates with 96.2 per cent in work – and salaries rising

The overall employment rate of graduates who completed full-time first degrees in 2013 is up to 96.2 per cent, postgraduate employment is at 96.61 per cent and graduate salaries have risen across many course areas. The figures are included in the results of the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey, which asked people who […]
Rural employment initative launched by Angela Constance

A scheme to provide pathways to youth employment in Scotland’s rural areas has been launched by the Cabinet Secretary for Training, Youth and Women’s Employment Angela Constance. Routes to Rural Employment (R2RE), which has been devised and developed by the Scottish Countryside Alliance, will support hundreds of Scottish children and young people each year to […]
SAWS scheme scrapped

NFU Deputy President Meurig Raymond said: “Our grower members will be rightly outraged at this decision by the immigration minister which will have a devastating impact on the horticulture sector in the UK. “This decision completely contradicts David Cameron’s belief that farmers are the backbone of Britain and the recommendations of the Migrant Advisory Committee […]
Young Co-operative farmers meet Ministers to help tackle youth unemployment

Michael Simmons, who works at The Co-operative Farms’ Highland Court estate, near Canterbury, and Colin Schenk and Kamil Peno, from The Co-operative’s fruit farm in Tillington, Hereford, joined Nick Folland, The Co-operative’s Group Director, External Affairs; Richard Quinn, Head of The Co-operative Farms, along with other retail industry delegates who attended the event in Westminster […]
Royal Backing for Careers Event
A grant of £10,000 has been given by The Prince’s Countryside Fund to help the event expand, both in terms of student numbers and in the range of careers which are showcased. Hazel Baker, Education Adviser for the Society said: “We are absolutely delighted with the news and this will enable us to grow the […]
FUW fears for dairy farmers and employees following cheese factory closure
The closure of a Carmarthenshire cheese factory will place downward pressure on the farmgate milk price for dairy farmers throughout one of the UK’s most prolific milk-producing areas, according to the Farmers’ Union of Wales. FUW vice president Brian Walters said closure of the Saputo factory at Aberarad, near Newcastle Emlyn, with the loss of […]
Study reveals need for new service to match young farmers with farming opportunities
A recent study by leading rural youth organisation the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC) reveals the industry’s demands for a service to match young farmers with farming opportunities. The report highlights that there is currently no central marketplace for either young farmers to advertise their skills and their business ambitions or for existing […]