BVA and BVA Northern Ireland Branch welcome reduction in brucellosis testing regime

The British Veterinary Association (BVA) and BVA Northern Ireland Branch welcome the DARD’s announcement that the brucellosis testing regime is to be reduced. As Northern Ireland awaits the EU’s response to the application for Northern Ireland to be declared Officially Brucellosis Free (OBF), both BVA and BVA Northern Ireland Branch see this as testament to […]
Vigilance key to disease control in oilseed rape

Updated risk forecasts for both diseases in the 2013/14 season are now available from Rothamsted Research. Overall, the predicted risk of disease is lower than in recent years, however, the stage of crop development in the field may result in high disease pressure. Early sown crops, which are now well established with fairly large plants […]
CLA lobbying success as imports of sweet chestnuts are banned

The Association said this important move will give sweet chestnut trees in the UK the best chance of remaining free from this devastating disease. The CLA President Harry Cotterell said: “We have been lobbying for this development and I have met with Environment Secretary Owen Paterson to discuss the issue on a number of occasions. […]
Lambing problems highlight the need for Schmallenberg vaccine
The call comes as many farms with early lambing flocks across the country have experienced higher than normal losses with still births and deformities ranging from fused limbs to twisted necks. The disease has spread across England and Wales to the Scottish border region and has now been confirmed on more than 1,000 UK farms. […]
Animal disease research misses the human perspective say researchers

The interdisciplinary project, which was carried out as part of the UK Research Councils’ Rural Economy and Land Use Programme, examined three animal diseases: Foot and Mouth Disease, Avian Influenza and Cryptosporidiosis. The team found that although policy makers need up to date information in order to take timely decisions, putting the research into practice […]
Guard against late season disease

“Strong grain prices justify investment in flag leaf sprays,” he says. “But changeable crop conditions, following a dry first quarter in some areas, may mean yield potential is variable also. A robust triazole solution is therefore going to have widespread appeal,” believes James. He adds that choices made at T2 will have influenced T3 decisions. […]