FUW farming stalwart explores ways to improve returns for livestock
In a bid to maximise return from the land and increase productivity per hectare, FUW farming stalwart John Yeomans and his wife Sarah have adopted a rotational grazing system to maximise the use of crops and grazing. They opened the gates to the family farm, Llwyn y Brain, to share their experience with fellow farmers […]
Edenhurst Charolais sale grosses £437K
The dispersal of the Edenhurst Charolais herd on behalf of Peter and Vanessa Vasey within Borderway Mart, Carlisle grossed in excess of £437,000 including semen sales. There was a packed ringside of Charolais enthusiasts, who had been drawn to the sale to give the Vasey family a fitting send off after almost forty years of […]
Mid-season worm pressures affect dairy cattle herds
Managing mid-season worm pressures could have significant economic and performance benefits for dairy herds. This is the advice from the COWS industry steering group (Control of Worms Sustainably) this summer. Anthelmintic resistance is a growing concern in the dairy industry. As the peak parasite season approaches, careful monitoring of dairy heifer condition is essential. The […]
Stirling Bull Sales February 16th 2015
Salers bulls sold to a top of 5800gns, 16 bulls sold to an average of £3754 (this includes animals sold out of the ring) Top price went to two lots Lot 7, From J Pirie, Kingussie – Chapelpark Hawk, this April 2013 born bull was calf at foot of Chapelpark Una at the Royal Highland […]
FUW rejects Red Tractor beef lifetime assurance
The Farmers’ Union of Wales has rejected proposals to ratchet up Red Tractor Farm Assurance rules on the grounds that it would add to bureaucracy and increase costs along the whole supply chain. A consultation issued in January by Assured Food Standards on the Red Tractor Assurance scheme proposes that cattle should only achieve farm […]
Alford show team crowned champions at National Pedigree Calf Show
The Alford family from Foxhill Farm, Cullompton, Devon enjoyed spectacular success at the inaugural National Pedigree Calf Show (NPCS) on Nov 15/16 taking the Inter-breed Champion’s title with its pure-bred Limousin junior bull Foxhill Farm Just the Job to collect £1000 prize money from sponsor Cogent Breeding Ltd. Foxhill Farm Just the Job was bred […]
The Lyon roars as ‘Iva’ gives its all
Johnny Lyon punched the air in sheer jubilation as the Lyon family’s pedigree Limousin heifer named Iva was slapped on the rump by beef inter-breed judges Richard Taylor and Chris Wright to become their choice as Supreme Cattle Champion at the English Winter Fair livestock showcase, Stafford, on Nov 16 collecting £1000 from sponsor JG […]
Draft National Johne’s Management Programme for Dairy Cattle launched in Worcester
The Action Group on Johne’s launched today a draft National Johne’s Management Programme at a conference hosted by Dairy UK and DairyCo. The objective of the plan is to manage and then reduce the incidence of Johne’s disease in dairy cattle and engage dairy farmers in Great Britain in credible and robust Johne’s management activities. […]
FUW welcomes retention of TB compensation system
The Farmers’ Union of Wales today welcomed deputy farming and food minister Rebecca Evans’ announcement that Welsh TB compensation rates for compulsorily purchased cattle will continue to use the current valuation system. Earlier this year, the FUW responded to a Welsh Government consultation on TB compensation rates in Wales by vociferously objecting to any move […]