The cow’s digestive system could revolutionise renewable energy

A group of scientists are looking at the way relatively unknown fungi works inside the guts of herbivores, including elephants and cows, in the hope that it holds the key to revolutionising biomass technology. Professor Theodorou, leader of the Agricultural Centre of Sustainable Energy Systems (ACSES) at Harper Adams University, is among the group of […]
Downing LLP agrees investment terms for a £20m biomass installation pipeline with Strand Energy Ltd

Downing LLP has recently agreed terms for a £20m pipeline of biomass installations with Strand Energy Ltd. Under the terms of the agreement Downing and Strand Energy Ltd will form a joint venture – Strand Energy (Biomass) LLP – to invest in biomass heating installations. The joint venture has an initial target of £20m GBP of […]
Woodland owners missing out on millions

A multi million pound hole in the rural economy has been uncovered by a new survey, which reveals farmers and landowners across England are missing out on millions of pounds of untapped income. The full extent of this missed opportunity, which is due to landowners failing to reap the rewards of woodfuel and other timber […]
North Wales AM makes renewable energy fact-finding farm visit

Farmers’ Union of Wales members David and Richard Williams farm in partnership with their father Glyn Williams at Tyfos, Llandrillo, near Corwen – a farming enterprise extending to over 1,000 acres of land in the Dee Valley and in the Berwyn Mountains. In addition, they are tenants on a hill farm at Llangwm and […]
Energy from biomass can have negative side-effects – EEA study

Using biomass for energy is an important part of the renewable energy mix. However, bioenergy production should follow EU resource efficiency principles, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). This means extracting more energy from the same material input, and avoiding negative environmental effects potentially caused by bioenergy production. ‘Bioenergy’ refers […]
Frustration at cuts in support for biomass heat despite RHI seriously under-performing

Government made two announcements on the non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) yesterday : a degression to the tariff for mid-sized biomass and a new consultation on proposed tariff increases. DECC has announced that the mid-size biomass heat tariff will be cut by 5% from 1st July, despite the scheme as a whole seriously under-performing The […]
REA hits back at NGOs’ biomass ‘Pseudo-Science’

The Renewable Energy Association, whose members include both large and small biomass developers and suppliers, has taken the unusual step of publishing a private letter sent last month to the heads of three green campaign groups, appealing to them to review their strategy of “promoting … misinformation” and “deliberately facilitating confusion” about biomass among the […]
Biomass is key to bridging the energy gap

Responding to the comments of Alistair Buchanan, Chief Executive of Ofgem, the Back Biomass campaign has said biomass must form a vital part of the UK’s future energy mix, helping to meet potential shortages and cope with plant closures. Paul Thompson, Head of Policy at the Renewable Energy Association, said: “Ofgem has warned the UK […]
On the way up at Tullis Russell

KIRK Environmental is pleased to announce that construction is well underway on their part of a £200M state of the art Biomass plant at Markinch, near Glenrothes. Work on the three woodchip storage silos commenced in mid-march and the first silo has almost reached its finished height of 18m above the ground. The 20m […]