Guinness World Record for New Holland

New Holland Agriculture has reclaimed the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title, harvesting an impressive 797.656 tonnes of wheat in eight hours with the world’s most powerful combine: the 653hp CR10.90. “We are extremely proud to have recaptured the Guinness World Records title for harvesting almost 800 tonnes of wheat in eight hours, shattering the previous record […]
Highest wheat yield on record thanks to ‘perfect’ weather and crop protection

The NFU harvest survey, published today, predicts the average wheat yield for the UK harvest 2014 to be a record high, following a summer of near perfect growing conditions for the crop. It is predicted that the 2014 UK Wheat harvest will weigh in at over 8.6 tonnes per hectare, the largest ever and 16 […]
Keep track of mycotoxin risk right up to harvest

With the winter wheat harvest well underway, HGCA is reminding growers to keep track of rainfall for their mycotoxin risk assessment following the onset of more unsettled weather including the potential for very heavy rain this weekend. Rainfall from growth stage 87 until the wheat is combined is a crucial determiner of mycotoxin risk. “Significant […]
Ancient wheat varieties and latest technology hold key to food security

Global wheat consumption exceeded production in six out of the last eight years*. Although increasing yield to meet demand is important, improving resilience under adverse growing conditions is also vital. Dr Belinda Clarke, director of Agri-Tech East, will discuss how innovation emerging from the UK is providing farmers with new tools to boost production in […]
Cargill expands wheat processing plant in Russia
Cargill has invested $100 million dollars in its Starches and Sweeteners facility in Efremov, Russia, upgrading its wheat processing plant and adding state of the art equipment and technology. The plant will process 500,000 tonnes of wheat a year – almost doubling its original capacity and creating additional market opportunities for farmers in the Tula […]
Weetabix export drive is good news for Gleadell growers

Farmers belonging to Gleadell’s Weetabix Growers Club could soon be sending more high quality wheat to the Northamptonshire-based cereal manufacturer. Weetabix, the UK’s second-largest branded manufacturer of cereals and cereal bars in the UK, is embarking on a major drive to break into the Chinese market. If successful, demand for products such as Weetabix, the […]
Bayer CropScience announces new wheat testing in the UK

Bayer CropScience is delighted to announce that it will commence wheat variety testing in the UK. Andrew Orme, Managing Director of Bayer CropScience in the UK said: “The UK Government now has a positive policy on modern, productive, and sustainable agriculture for the first time in years and we are responding in what is an […]
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria could save arable farmers £1000s

Arable farmers could slash fertiliser costs, boost yields, and protect the environment following the launch of a new nitrogen-fixing bacteria mix. Developed by Jim Brown at Soil Systems, Enfixa is a combination of nitrogen-fixing and nutrient-solubilising bacteria, which fix atmospheric nitrogen and turn it into a usable source for the crop. It can be used […]
Saxon Flexi-Fund delivers strong performance

Grain and Seed specialists Saxon Agriculture based in East Walton, Norfolk have announced their 2013/14 wheat Flexi-Fund results – adding to their record of strong Fund performances over the past 8 years. Despite 3 years of volatile markets, Grain Director Mark Smith has once again secured excellent prices for their committed growers. A key member […]