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Feed market – Spot Soya remains firm, forward buying remains the answer

Feed market – Spot Soya remains firm, forward buying remains the answer

Strong global demand has kept Hipro Soya prices relatively firm over the last year. It is advisable to take away the risk of the spot market by buying a percentage of what you need 3 to 6 months in advance of delivery. Many of our customers have already covered a decent percentage of what they […]

Pupils bring local food to the playground

Through a project funded by the Central Warwickshire Leader programme, the Soil Association and Mid Wales Food and Land Trust are working with 10 schools across Warwickshire to set up farmers’ markets in the school hall or playground – organised entirely by pupils. In the classroom, pupils are applying their enterprise skills to establish regular […]

British Pulse Update February 14th 2013

International overview India is one of the world’s largest producers, consumers and importers of pulses. Domestic production peaked in 2010/11 and is set to decline for the second year in a row with a 28% water deficit in key production areas. Shortage is widening and increasing imports are reported as inevitable, despite the fact that […]

Livestock market set to move as agricultural centre gets go-ahead

The approved development will provide a new livestock market building, offices and agricultural merchant retail units. Compared to the existing livestock market, which has been operating from its current location since 1871, the new centre will provide improved facilities for farmers and visitors as well as a more modern environment providing better animal welfare. Subject […]

Latest Gleadell Market Report

WHEAT > US corn and wheat values fall on favourable weather prospects as record corn plantings commence and rain alleviates drought concerns. > North African countries (Algeria/Morocco) purchase South American wheat as region faces drought-hit domestic crop. > Russian Government predicts no need for grain export restrictions during the current crop year – grain exports […]

Latest Gleadell Fetiliser report

  UREA In the last week we have seen the Urea market continue to correct downwards, however, prices may have now found a floor after a bearish couple of weeks. As stated in last week’s report, with up to 40% of Nitrogen left to be bought in the UK this equates to nearly 800,000mt of […]

BEPA Pulse Market Update

BEPA Pulse Market Update

    Peter Smith, President of BEPA, comments: Summary Pulse export trading over October has remained lively hopefully reflected in Q4 levy returns to PGRO after low collection to date. Overall French bean production was 332,000 tonnes, 36% lower that the previous harvest. Despite this, they exported a record of 245,535 tonnes to Egypt in […]

Latest Gleadell Fetiliser report

UREA The global Urea market appears to be stabilising after last week’s correction, with regional prices falling more in line with traditional pricing relationships. Prices look set to firm, supported in part by more than 1.5mt being booked under India’s tender, and the fact that traders started buying substantial quantities from the Black Sea, Baltic […]

BEPA Pulse Market Update

BEPA Pulse Market Update

    UK pea crops have yielded exceptionally well this year despite the spring drought, and quality has been good too after almost ideal harvest conditions. The drought in the eastern part of the country, balanced by good conditions in other parts of the UK, mean that bean yield and quality have been extremely variable. […]

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