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Flooded or waterlogged agricultural land

Flooded or waterlogged agricultural land

Following the recent heavy rain, your agricultural land may have been temporarily waterlogged or affected by flooding. This land may still comply with cross compliance rules or may still be eligible for payment under the Single Payment Scheme (SPS). You may find the following points helpful if you have land that has been affected by […]

New river maintenance pilot can benefit farming, but budget cuts will increase flood risk

New river maintenance pilot can benefit farming, but budget cuts will increase flood risk

The pilot studies will begin in seven catchments across England this month. They aim to allow farmers and landowners to cut back vegetation or remove silt from watercourses to reduce the risk of flooding, through the reduction of red tape. In addition, they will provide a clearer picture of what watercourse maintenance is being conducted […]

New grass to fight flooding

A collaboration of plant and soil scientists from across the UK has shown a grass hybrid species could help reduce the impact of flooding. The BBSRC-funded scientists, from Rothamsted Research, the James Hutton Institute, Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) at Aberystwyth University, Lancaster University and the University of Nottingham, used a hybridised […]

Innovative new product in agricultural flood protection

Innovative new product in agricultural flood protection

Currently, over one tenth of land in England and Wales is at risk of flooding. However, until now, the only option for flood defence on farms has been to use heavy sandbags, which are ineffective, labour intensive and a potential health hazard. In contrast, the HydroSack is an easy to use, lightweight and environmentally-friendly invention, […]

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