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Time to reform Common Agricultural Policy – Lords EU Committee

Time to reform Common Agricultural Policy – Lords EU Committee

The House of Lords EU Committee has today published a report investigating what needs to be done to boost the resilience of the farming sector in the face of challenges such as volatile prices. It calls on the European Commission to reform the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to primarily support the provision of public goods, […]

UK refusal to support EU school food plan another knock for agriculture

UK refusal to support EU school food plan another knock for agriculture

European farm ministers met on Monday (11 April) to adopt a regulation that will promote the consumption of milk products, fruit and vegetables in schools. Disappointingly, the UK abstained from the vote and, as a consequence, will not be supporting the new regulation. The scheme, which has an annual budget of €250m (£201m), will see […]

Hope at last for UK Bison Farmers, says MEP

Hope at last for UK Bison Farmers, says MEP

Bison Farmers across the UK are now one step closer to solving a number of difficulties they had been facing with UK and EU legislation thanks to Conservative MEP Emma McClarkin. The issue facing Bison farmers was first brought to Miss McClarkin’s attention by Leicestershire bison farmers, George and Ruth Wakeling, of Bouverie Lodge, who […]

Allocation of EU farming support package welcomed

Allocation of EU farming support package welcomed

Defra’s allocation of the EU farming support package will provide a welcome cash boost but more action needs to be taken in order to make a long term difference to many British dairy farmers who are struggling to keep their businesses afloat, the NFU has said. After extensive NFU lobbying in Brussels and Westminster, Defra […]

CLA urges next EU Presidency to allow UK farming to thrive

CLA urges next EU Presidency to allow UK farming to thrive

CLA Director of Policy Christopher Price met with Fernand Etgen, Luxembourg Minister for Agriculture, in Luxembourg on 17 June. Minister Etgen will become lead EU Minister for Agriculture when Luxembourg takes over the Presidency of the Council for the European Union in July 2015. The Presidency rotates between Member States every 6 months. The CLA […]

EU Horizon 2020 funding won by Gloucestershire researchers

EU Horizon 2020 funding won by Gloucestershire researchers

A research institute at the University of Gloucestershire has been successful in consortia bids for two EU Horizon 2020 research projects which will bring over 850,000 Euros to the University over the next five years. The Countryside and Community Research Institute, which specialises in rural research, is based at the University’s Oxstalls campus. Horizon 2020 […]

Scottish Government must approve cheap EU loans for farmers

Scottish Government must approve cheap EU loans for farmers

Ian Duncan MEP has demanded that the Scottish Government opt-in to a multi-billion euro fund for farmers, offering low interest rate EU loans to help boost rural businesses. Dr Duncan was responding to the news that the European Commission had partnered with the European Investment Bank to offer cheap credit to farmers, with rates as […]

MEPs in Strasbourg commit to backing British farming for the next five years

MEPs in Strasbourg commit to backing British farming for the next five years

NFU President Meurig Raymond was in Strasbourg today to rally support from MEPs to sign the ‘Back British Farming EU pledge.’  By signing the pledge, 33 MEPs have committed themselves to using their position in European Parliament to champion the cause for British agriculture. Mr Raymond said: “I am delighted to see that MEPs from […]

REA welcomes political agreement on EU biofuels policy

REA welcomes political agreement on EU biofuels policy

The EU Energy Council this morning reached political agreement on measures to incorporate indirect land use change (ILUC) into EU biofuels policies, effectively bringing a close to almost two years of investment-blocking policy paralysis in the low carbon fuels sector. The key elements of the compromise package are: > A 7% cap on transport energy […]

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