New study identifies scope for more innovation in horticulture

A unique study has taken a thoughtful approach to understand why parts of the horticulture industry do not take up some of the innovative ideas that emerge from universities and research institutes, as well as other areas of the industry. The study has been undertaken by PhD student Jonathan Menary from Warwick Crop Centre, part […]
Interesting times: exceptional surplus masks vulnerability in global grain markets

Grain markets are entering an unprecedented fourth year of surplus but all is not as it first appears. With comfortable stocks and record production continuing to put pressure on world prices, a dramatic shift in global supply dynamics could add vulnerability to the market. For the UK though, the depreciation of the pound since June […]
Open Innovation: The answer to global farming challenges?

Global and British farmers face significant challenges in the years ahead, but a new approach to providing innovative solutions could be just the answer the industry needs. By bringing together key players from across the supply chain; from muddy boots farmers to cutting-edge scientists and manufacturers, the Rothamsted Open Innovation Forum aims to speed up […]
FUW hosts successful Wales Farm Conference

A successful conference, focused on opportunities for agriculture post Brexit, was held by the Farmers’ Union of Wales at the Members Pavilion on the Royal Welsh Showground on Thursday, October 6. The Wales Farm Conference included Economist, Politician and Member of the ‘Vote Leave’ group of economists, Warwick Lightfoot, HCC-Meat Promotion Wales Export Market Development […]
Farming conference asks “what’s holding back the next generation?”

Almost 300 farmers, students, landowners and agriculturalists came to the South of England Farming Conference to join a debate on ‘What’s holding back the next generation of farmers?’ chaired by Charlotte Smith, BBC1’s ‘Countryfile’ and Radio 4’s ‘Farming Today’ presenter, at the South of England Showground in Ardingly recently [November 16]. A panel of young […]
GM crop future debated at NFU conference

Promoting the public benefits of GM technology must be prioritised if British farmers are to gain access to it. That was the message to delegates at an NFU conference examining the ‘when, what and how’ of GM crops on British farms. Delegates at the conference in Peterborough heard how GM crops are now grown on […]
World Energy Council comment on UN Global Goals Summit

As world leaders gather for the UN General Assembly to formally adopt new Sustainable Development Goals, the World Energy Council welcomes the inclusion of the energy goal: ‘Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all’. Christoph Frei, Secretary General of the World Energy Council said: “The adoption of energy among sustainable development […]
The NFU sets out its election priorities to ensure farming can thrive

The NFU has set out what it wants from the next elected Government, as five of the main political parties get set to take part in day two of the annual NFU Conference. Our asks include a robust champion for UK agriculture in European discussions; a comprehensive agri-food strategy to boost UK food production; more […]
Countryside Values for the 21st Century

‘Countryside Values for the 21st Century’, was based around three themes; ‘Inclusive food systems’, ‘Well-being, Happiness and Rural Policy’ and ‘Learning and Innovation for Sustainable Farm Businesses’. Delegates enjoyed a range of presentations that highlighted the link between social science theory and changes to policy and practice on the ground. It examined how topics once confined […]