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John Deere’s online harvest

John Deere combines will be the stars of a new video campaign during this summer’s harvest, as part of the company’s ‘Let's meet in the field’ initiative.

S_Series combine

S_Series combine on tour

Expert operators from dealers in Scotland and East Anglia – Will Hutchison of Thomas Sherriff at Haddington, East Lothian and Andy Mennell of Ben Burgess at Newmarket, Suffolk – will be demonstrating the performance of John Deere S- and T-Series combines at various farms in their respective areas throughout the harvest period (weather permitting!)

The drivers will be filming the progress of their individual combine demo tours, and the results will be posted weekly on a dedicated section of the John Deere website, at The harvest tour footage will also be highlighted on the company’s Facebook and YouTube channels.

In addition, during each week of the tours visitors to the website will be able to play an online game, with the chance to win prize vouchers to spend at the John Deere Online Shop. The website will also provide details of the dealer drivers and technical features of the combines.

“This is a great opportunity for farmers and contractors all over the country to see our top of the range combines at work, even if they can’t get to a local demo in person,” says John Deere Limited marketing manager Gordon Day. “Using a combination of video footage, our dedicated website and social media channels in this way means anyone can assess how John Deere’s rotary and tine separation technologies can benefit their own harvest operations.”


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