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Plant-based crop protection innovation from AlphaBio Control

With funding from the Government’s Innovate UK Agritech Catalyst initiative, AlphaBio aim to advance the development of a unique plant-based crop protection technology


Innovations derived from leading edge developments in natural chemistry and biology

AlphaBio Control, a leader in the development of sustainable crop protection products, has obtained funding from the Government’s Innovate UK Agritech Catalyst initiative to advance the development of a unique plant-based crop protection technology. In association with Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera), Apres Labs and the Adapt Low Carbon Group, AlphaBio Control is developing a product that is targeted at the control of a number of economically important crop pests, the control of which has become very difficult due to the development of resistance in a number of insect species to the existing market standard control products.

Globally, the use of synthetic chemicals to control pests, diseases and weeds is recognised as causing burgeoning costs in relation to impacts on the natural environment and human health. There is a growing issue of resistance to a number of synthetic chemical products, currently associated with at least 300 types of insecticide ingredients, and affecting an industry estimated to be worth $65bn by 2017.

Iain Fleming, Managing Director and Co-founder of AlphaBio Control, commented: “It is clear from the organisations we do business with across Europe that effective low impact solutions are the top priority. We look forward to working with our partners in developing a sustainable and unique plant-based pesticide technology for farmers and growers.”

AlphaBio Control delivers effective low impact crop protection solutions through innovations derived from leading edge developments in natural chemistry and biology. Its research and development team combines the depth of knowledge and understanding of many years’ experience in multiple geographies to provide solutions for the challenges and demands of modern agriculture.

The company’s new partnership with Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA), Apres Labs, and the Adapt Low Carbon Group, provides an opportunity to address the issues of resistance in pest populations and create a new product platform to be used with conventional insecticides, enhancing their effectiveness whilst significantly reducing the rates of use of synthetic chemicals.

Iain Fleming continued: “This project provides an opportunity for us to work with a number of very talented people to bring forward innovative solutions for modern agriculture, at a time when regulatory statutes are having a significant impact on the industry. It is an extremely exciting and much needed initiative which we are proud to be spearheading.”

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