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Buy British and buy fresh

It is in every shopper’s interest to look carefully at what they are buying and support British livestock farmers, says George Milne, National Sheep Association Scotland Development Officer, who urges consumers to buy British and buy fresh.

It is in every shopper’s interest to look carefully at what they are buying and support British livestock farmers, says George Milne, National Sheep Association Scotland Development Officer, who urges consumers to buy British and buy fresh.


George Milne, National Sheep Association Scotland Development Officer

He says: “For years now farmers have undergone inspections in order to ensure they comply with strict farm assurance standards. There are extremely stringent inspection criteria, from animal health and welfare issues to ingredients in animal feeds. Failure to comply with any criteria results in the farmer’s immediate disqualification from the schemes.

“In addition, all sheep and cattle reared in the UK carry their own unique individual identification number, giving confidence that each animal can be traced from its holding of birth to the consumer’s plate. This is so strictly enforced that if an animal arrives at an abattoir without being properly tagged, the whole animal is destroyed without entering the food chain. In Scotland this goes one step further with our PGI (Protected Geographical Identity), an extremely reliable method of providing consumer confidence that they are buying a top quality product.”

Mr Milne says imported meat cannot always give consumers the same reassurance, as not all countries are subject to the same rigorous rules and regulations as the UK.

“If you buy fresh British meat then you will have the guarantee that you are buying what it says on the label,” he says. “Many consumers are concerned that buying British is a more expensive way to feed their families but I challenge every consumer to try it. Do the sums. Not only will you get value for money but also peace of mind, superior flavour and texture, with the added confidence that your food is healthy. You are protecting our countryside and way of life, championing British Farmers and therefore the environment, whilst supporting animal welfare issues. Buying British is really a win-win for all.”



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