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Malvern calls on Devon friends to solve cattle waiting list

The Malvern Showground has called upon its friends at the Devon County Show to help solve the problem of burgeoning cattle entries for the Three Counties Show (18 20 June).

Show organizer, the Three Counties Agricultural Society, expanded this year to accommodate more animals, correctly anticipating an increase in entries, following an influx of new competitions and the demise of the Royal Show at Stoneleigh.

But it found itself with a waiting list for cattle for the first time in more than a decade, and nowhere to house them!

In stepped the Devon County Show with the loan of 120 cattle stalls, which, together with an additional 19,400 square feet of tentage, means that all exhibitors, long-standing and new, wishing to exhibit at Malvern, will now be able to.

Said Sharon Gilbert, Press & PR Manager for the Showground: We expected to see an increase in entries this year, but didnt expect quite so many. Its a very good problem to have, of course, but it did mean we had to think on our feet.

Our long-standing exhibitors have supported us through thick and thin, so we needed to accommodate their animals first, but obviously we were keen to welcome new exhibitors too. We are pleased that we have not had to turn anyone away.

Ollie Allen, Devon County Show Secretary, said: Its good to see that the Three Counties Show at Malvern is going up a gear, and that so many breeders and stockmen want to show at their regional event. We work closely with our friends at Three Counties and were only too happy to help with some extra accommodation for the extra cattle making their way to Malvern this week.

The Three Counties Show takes place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 18, 19 and 20 June 2010 at the Malvern Showground. For information, call the Hotline on 01684 584924 or visit the web site:

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