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DairyCo to sponsor Carbon and Farming Conference with DairyUK


DairyCo will this year sponsor the Carbon and Farming Conference organised by Dairy UK on 22nd June to make it an event held jointly by the two organisations.

Speaking about DairyCos involvement in the event Jim Begg, Director General of Dairy UK said: Were pleased with DairyCos commitment to this conference. This shows how industry organisations can work together to address issues of concern to the whole sector. Weve run conferences on Farming and the Environment every year for three years and we look forward to working with DairyCo to put on a truly exceptional event for this year.

Ken Boyns, DairyCo Sector Director said: The challenge of addressing the industrys carbon footprint is going to become more pressing in the future. The conference is an ideal vehicle to raise the profile of the issue and to demonstrate that the solutions available to the industry are fully in tune with a continuing drive towards efficiency. It should be an event of great interest to farmers and the industry as whole.

        Tesco, Kite Consulting, Agri assist, and DairyCo have all been confirmed as speakers for the conference to be held at the Sixways Stadium in Worcester on Tuesday, 22 June.

        The FAO is expected to present their recent study looking at GHG emission from the global dairy sector.

        The conference is for farmers, farm advisors and industry personnel involved in environmental policy.

        A small registration fee of 40 ex VAT will be charged for each attendee.

        Please contact Ian Wakeling at or on 020 7467 2621 to register your interest as either a delegate or an exhibitor.

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