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Exciting chance for young sheep farmer to work and study in New Zealand

An exciting new travel scholarship offering a young British farmer a chance to
work on a sheep farm in New Zealand this year and discover how they are tackling
wormer resistance was announced at the annual convention of the National
Federation of Young Farmers Clubs (NFYFC) in Torquay yesterday (Sunday, April

Provided by Novartis Animal Health as part of its long-term commitment to the
country’s sheep industry and support for Britain’s young farmers, the first
“scholar” will travel to New Zealand later this year.

While in New Zealand, the lucky winner will spend between two to four weeks
gaining hands-on experience on a New Zealand sheep farm, as well as an
opportunity to travel in the country. He or she will also receive a
comprehensive background briefing on the problems caused by wormer resistance.

“We are committed to supporting Britain’s sheep sector and I believe the
country’s young farmers hold the key to its future success,” said NAH brand
manager James Crawford. “I am convinced the winner of this new scholarship will
return with a raft of exciting new ideas to help British sheep farmers improve
the health of their flocks to become even more competitive.”

Welcoming this new scholarship, NFYC spokesman James Eckley said: “This exciting
Novartis Animal Health initiative show’s how much the company values the
contribution young farmers make to the UK’s sheep industry. It will also give
our members an amazing opportunity to travel to the heart of the world’s sheep
industry and bring back practical know-how to improve production here.”

Further information:

Entry forms for this unique scholarship are available from either The Young
Farmers Centre 024 7685 7200 or Kendalls Communications 01394 610022.
Applications need to be submitted to James Eckley, National Federation of Young
Famers’ Clubs, YFC Centre, 10th Street, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilsworth, CB8 2LG
before Saturday 12th June 2010.

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