Gleadell Fertiliser Report
Urea prices continue to firm worldwide and the outlook remains bullish as Latin America and South East Asia are buyers for the August/September period, says Calum Findlay, Gleadell Agricultures fertiliser trader.
The flow of Urea into the UK market to date has been adversely affected by low AN prices, but these prices have also continued to firm.
GrowHow nitrogen plants are running at full capacity but this tonnage will only supply 50-60% of what the UK market requires, so Granular Urea will fill the balance of requirements at some stage during the season.
Nitrogen business is slow as cashflows appear to be tight, and a more organised market is apparent in comparison to the panic buying witnessed last season at this time.
Phosphate business has been subdued this week, however, fresh demand for DAP and MAP is likely from India and product availability is increasingly tight.
Potash prices seem to be holding firm but cracks are appearing and it must only be a matter of when, not if, before we see some price reductions, Mr Findlay adds.
by Calum Findlay, fertiliser trader. Telephone 01427 421244 or email