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Belton extends Best of British Cheshire offering in Waitrose



Perfect for the summer, Belton Cheese and Waitrose have once again joined forces to launch a unique Cheshire Salad Cheese sub branded Belton Farm for the Best of British brand. This follows the successful launch of the brand as part of the Waitrose pre-pack cheese layout review in March.

Launching in 220 stores, the 200g pre-pack block is available for a special 6 week promotional price of 1.48, with an on-going RSP of 1.85. Cheshire cheese is one of the oldest recorded named cheeses in British history and remains the UK’s largest-selling crumbly cheese.

With a crumbly texture and mild salty taste, its the perfect British alternative to accompany a salad.

Chris Dawson, Waitrose Cheese Buyer said, “Waitrose is a very keen supporter of British dairy farming. We hope that this weeks launch of the new line   “Best of British Salad cheese” will help develop an alternative usage for Cheshire cheese and encourage customers to try using this cheese in a new way. We have worked very closely with Belton Farm in developing this exciting product and are sure it will be popular with our customers.

Speaking on behalf of Belton Cheese, Justin Beckett, Managing Director said, We are delighted to extend our product offering in Waitrose. This latest launch for Cheshire cheese follows a number of high profile listings in most of the major retailers this year, signalling a real come back for a classic territorial. We all know British is best and Cheshire cheese is ideal for any summer salad making this an innovative, unique and above all tasty new product launch.


  • Based in the glorious Shropshire countryside and close to the Cheshire border, Belton Cheese has been producing award winning cheese handmade on the farm since the 1800s

  • Belton Cheese Limited was founded in 1973 when the first phase of the modern dairy was built and now produces many varieties of handmade English territorial cheeses using traditional recipes and production methods

  • The Belton Cheese selection includes award winning Cheddar, Red Leicester, Double Gloucester, Cheshire, Caerphilly, Wensleydale, Derby and Lancashire.

  • Belton Cheese has been supplying Waitrose with cheese for almost three decades.

  • Belton Cheese already three cheeses for the Waitrose Best of British range including Red Leicester, Cheshire and Double Gloucester, there are eight in total.

  • This year alone, Belton Cheese has won new listings for Cheshire Cheese in Waitrose, Tesco, Morrisons and the Co-Op. It also features in Marks and Spencers The Ultimate Cheshire Cheese with a Beetroot & Apple Brambly Filling Sandwich.

  • Belton Cheese is a major supporter of the Save Cheshire Cheese Campaign which was launched at this years Cheshire County show. The aim of the campaign is to put Cheshire Cheese back on the map by making the public more aware of the quality cheese and encouraging more people to try its distinctive full bodied, fresh, flavour.

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