Agriculture Enquiry: Lords to hear from agricultural researchers in UK, Netherlands and France
The House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment will hear from European agricultural researchers as part of its inquiry into Innovation in EU Agriculture on Wednesday 9 March.
The aim of the inquiry is to identify how innovation in EU agriculture can be best supported, particularly at a time when factors such as population increase and climate change have greatly affected the scale of the challenges facing agriculture in the UK, Europe and globally.
10.30am: Professor John Oldham, Scottish Agricultural College (SAC)
Dr Paul Vriesekoop, Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR), Netherlands
Dr John Williams, National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France
SAC, WUR and INRA are among the lead institutions in a cross-European task force looking at livestock science research.
The witnesses will be asked questions in relation to:
- the extent of innovation in agriculture today
- obstacles to innovation
- challenges likely to drive innovation in the future
- key players and structures needed to support innovation in EU agriculture
- assistance from the Common Agricultural Policy and EU Research Programme
The evidence session will take place via video link on Wednesday 9 March at 10.30am.