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FUW warns farmers and rural business owners about VAT scam letter

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is warning members and rural business not to respond to a scam letter issued by ‘UK Data Control’ asking for details of missing VAT numbers.

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The Farmers’ Union of Wales is warning members and rural business not to respond to a scam letter issued by ‘UK Data Control’ asking for details of missing VAT numbers.

The official Government looking letter asks for confirmation of VAT numbers and other business details. However the small print within the letter confirms that by signing and returning the form the signatory is agreeing to pay £790 annually for their details to be published on a website.

FUW president Glyn Roberts said: “This letter has been made to look like official Government communication which could easily trick many farmers and rural business owners into providing their details.

“The financial implication of providing the company with business details could be devastating. I urge farmers and rural business owners to remain vigilant against these scam letters.”

Any farmer who is unsure as to the validity of a letter asking for financial or business details should contact their local trading standards office or contact the Citizens Advice consumer services on 03454 04 05 06 or a Welsh line on 03454 04 05 05.

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