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Moore Concrete doubles sales in England and Wales


Northern Ireland Precast concrete operator Moore Concrete has confirmed that its sales in England and Wales doubled, year-on-year, during 2010. The company specialises in manufacturing a range of products for the dairy and livestock sectors including drinkers, footbaths, cubicles and slatted flooring systems.

Company managing director Wilbert Moore attributes this growth to the ongoing recognition by livestock farmers that they must continually invest in the future of their businesses.

Attaining greater levels of efficiency remains the key driver for the farming sector moving forward, he further explained.

However, for dairy and livestock farmers this also means meeting the management and welfare needs of their stock in full. Significantly, it has been shown conclusively that improving animal comfort levels will also have a direct and tangible impact on performance.

Looking ahead, Wilbert Moore is confident that dairy and livestock farmers in the UK can now look forward with a degree of confidence.

Food security will be a key economic driver over the coming years, he stressed.

All of the worlds main food commodity markets are strengthening which, sooner rather than later, must be reflected in improved farmgate prices.

Agriculture is no longer regarded as a sunset industry. And thats good news for every farmer striving to develop a profitable and sustainable future.

Moore Concrete is expecting a further sales lift in 2011. To help achieve this target the company is seeking to appoint new merchants in all of the main dairy and livestock production areas throughout England and Wales.

We want to provide our customers with the most efficient service possible, Wilbert Moore concluded.

Over the past number of years we have spent 10 million upgrading and expanding our manufacturing capabilities. However, it is equally important for us to take the same approach with our distribution network throughout the UK.

For further information, telephone 028 2565 2566

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