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SAC Vets Welcome Scottish Government BVD Initaitive


SAC vets are united in their support for the Scottish Governments initiative aimed at eradicating bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) from the Scottish cattle herd.  Group Manager Brian Hosie said,

We are delighted that the Scottish Government has seen fit to support this industry led initiative.  For over 20 years our veterinary investigation officers have worked closely with practitioners, farmers and researchers in the Moredun Institute to learn about this important disease and the best control measures.  We look forward to assisting the industry in eradicating BVD through the provision of accredited laboratory support and technical expertise.

St Boswells based SAC vet George Caldow provided technical information for the industry submission to Scottish Government supporting BVD eradication. He said,

BVD infection has a significant impact on the productivity and therefore efficiency of our cattle herd. Eradication of the virus will create a competitive advantage for our cattle industry and enhance our reputation as producers of healthy productive cattle within the UK and beyond.

1.      Many herds in Scotland are already accredited to CHeCs standards for BVD and a significant proportion of those are accredited under the SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme.  According to Health Schemes Manager Ian Pritchard,

Pedigree breeders have realised the importance of freedom from BVD and imposed rulings from 2011. Animals sold are to come from accredited herds or tested BVD virus free, with all being vaccinated. Commercial buyers can then buy without the fear of introducing infection.

2.      Many farmers also test for BVD outwith the Health Schemes.  In Aberdeenshire in particular there is an initiative to test breeding heifers prior to sale.  Dr Sheila Rusbridge, (SAC Veterinary Centre Manager at Aberdeen) and her colleague Catriona Ritchie support testing in the north of Scotland.

According to Sheila Rusbridge local BVD initiatives have raised awareness about the importance of the disease and have encouraged the sale of BVD assured stock.

Catriona said Our records show that since the late nineties in Scotland there has been a reduction in the number of cattle diagnosed as being persistently infected with BVD and in the number of abortions due to the virus. Control of infection is readily achievable through having good biosecurity and the use of vaccine if necessary. We have a relatively straightforward, cost effective procedure to eradicate BVD virus and this has been achieved by many herds in the area.

3.      In the south and west of Scotland BVD is a major concern particularly amongst the dairy units.  Colin Mason SACs Veterinary Centre Manager at Dumfries has advised many farmers on BVD control.  According to Colin

Eradicating BVD is achievable for any herd irrespective of current status and delivers significant benefits for herd health, animal welfare, lifetime production and better marketability. This initiative is a fantastic opportunity for all cattle farmers.

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