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Expert advice for grassland farmers

Beef, sheep and dairy farmers can get expert advice to help grassland recover after an exceptionally wet year, at an event organised by DairyCo, Eblex and the British Grassland Society (BGS) in Frome, Somerset on Wednesday 1 May.

Beef, sheep and dairy farmers can get expert advice to help grassland recover after an exceptionally wet year, at an event organised by DairyCo, Eblex and the British Grassland Society (BGS) in Frome, Somerset on Wednesday 1 May. The Recommended Grass and Clover Lists 2013 will also be launched at the event.

Supported by the British Society of Plant Breeders, the ‘After a Wet Year’ event will include technical presentations from a selection of industry speakers:

  • Chris Duller – Do you need to reseed? – encouraging the use of grass ‘MOTs’
  • John Morgan – How to reseed? – options and methods
  • Alan Lovatt – What grasses to choose? – variety choice and targets for leys

In the afternoon, Liz Genever of EBLEX, and Piers Badnell and Tom Goatman from DairyCo, will be on hand to talk about grazing beef animals, sheep and dairy cows, and silage making after a wet year.

Tom Goatman, extension officer for DairyCo says: “If your grassland has suffered damage from the poor weather conditions experienced throughout 2012 and the early part of 2013 then this is an event not to miss. The day will focus on how to assess the extent of any problems and the best way forward in dealing with them to get your grassland back on track.”

Liz Genever, Beef and Sheep scientist for EBLEX says: “It has been a challenging 18 months for grass and the farmers trying to use it, so we’ll try and provide advice on how 2013 targets can be hit while trying to help the land recover. It also provides an opportunity to get the updated version of the Recommended Grass and Clover Lists, which, for the first year, includes the complete dataset.

For more information or to register for the event call Hellen, Vickie or Sandra on 01904 771214 or e-mail to


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