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Agronomy company wins Champion of Champions award

ECM’s system of Integrated Crop Management demonstrates that profitability, environmental responsibility and safe, healthy food can go hand in hand.

peter clare ECM

Peter Clare (right) receiving the Champion of Champions award from Stephen Eatough at the House of Commons

Environmental Crop Management Limited (ECM) has won the Green Apple Champion of Champions award 2014 for environmental best practice against stiff competition from organisations such as M&S, Honda and Network Rail. The award was made by The Green Organisation, an independent international group that rewards and promotes environmental best practice around the world. The company has also been named as an International Green World Ambassador for 2015.

Established in 1991 and based in Warrington, Cheshire, ECM’s Integrated Crop Management system balances the requirements of running a profitable business with conservation and respect for biodiversity. It includes practices that avoid waste, enhance energy efficiency and minimise pollution. The company is a member of the Crest Group, a national consortium of independent agronomy companies

Peter Clare, ECM’s Managing Director, comments: “We are absolutely delighted with the award and its recognition of our approach to crop science, which allows farming to be practised in a way that safeguards the environment. At the same time we realise that the quality, quantity and price of produce, the profitability of the farm and the adoption of new technologies are all essential if the stability of agriculture is to be preserved.”

The company’s team of agronomists advise farmers on a whole range of issues – everything from crop nutrition and protection to wildlife and landscape management and has won several other awards for its work, featuring in the latest Parliamentary Review (agriculture edition). ECM is also an International Green World Ambassador 2015.

Promoting conservation and safe, healthy, profitable food production as the only way forward for farming, current projects include a collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University to help farmers adapt to climate change.


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